Equine Voices Podcast

A Little Thank You.

May 17, 2022 Ronnie King Episode 42
Equine Voices Podcast
A Little Thank You.
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A Little Thank You.
A big thank you to all my special guests who firstly said yes to joining me for a chat and also helped me feel relaxed and comfortable during our sessions and of course all my listeners for making this possible because after all without you, there would be no podcast, so for this I am eternally very, very grateful.

I have more exciting guests on the horizon  so stayed tuned for my future episodes.
Once again thank you.

Regards Ronnie.

Video version (alongside applicable podcasts) can be viewed on facebook and YouTube.

Contact Ronnie.


Good morning, good morning. Today is Tuesday the 17th of May and it's a beautiful day outside here in the UK. I think it's going to reach about 26 degrees, which is the warmest day apparently, which is lovely. So I hope you enjoy your day wherever you are in the world. I just want it to say a big, thank you really. My podcast has reached over 5,257 at the minute and I've been doing these podcasts for about a year and year and a half now and in the last 30 days there's been 1,042 downloads, which is amazing to me. I know that there's lots of podcasts out there and there's you know Big people. But to me It might or corner of the world I'm so proud and I'm so pleased and so happy cause I really, really love doing these, I really do. And what's amazing is when I ask my guest to have a chat because that's what it is really, it's a chat that they say, yes, which is brilliant and they are so busy. Sometimes it takes a few months to get to organize where we can link up together, but you know that doesn't matter. The fact that they say is a blessing to me and I'm so grateful for that., So grateful. And I really enjoy, listening and chatting, but I love the process, I love the process of doing the interview, I love the editing because I always hear more than I heard, obviously, during the live and I liked the feedback I get as well. So I'm just very grateful to my guests for agreeing to join me. Because they don't know who I am, you know, most of the time. So that's nice that they trust me to chat with them and to my listeners, which is Which is lovely. I do this in my own time as do my guests so it does mean a lot to me and I'm glad that you enjoy it because the feedback that I get is lovely too. So please if you want to drop me a line you know, a comment. Or if there's somebody that you think you would like to hear that would go along with my ethics you know where I'm coming from, basically and yeah I'll see what I can do. I'm not afraid to ask that's for sure and all my guests are special. All of them but the one that's that still makes the all make me smile actually. But the one that really makes me smile is when I got to interview Warwick Schiller, through synchronicities and a meeting a few years ago. I obviously listened to his podcasts and they give me inspiration too, but I love the guests he has. So they start off horse related but the life related really and that's, that's what I like too. It's not just about the horses, because it's what we do impacts in our life, which is the main thing for me and to share, because knowledge is made to be shared. We don't own anything in this world and we certainly don't own knowledge. And we like sponges. we absorb it, we pass it around. There are many ideas that are similar and each one has a uniqueness to bring that to the fold. But yeah, knowledge is meant to be shared. And I have great joy and excitement when I learned some thing and I think, wow, this is brilliant and I like to share that too. And through my own knowledge you know, whatever that may be, it's life knowledge, as everybody has. So I'm nobody special. I'm just me but I like to To share what ever I feel can help me or somebody else. So I just want you to say a big, thank you because it really it's really some thing I love doing, and I would have never thought that I would be doing this if somebody said to me But through a, some life synchronous it's given me the background and the confidence actually to do this. Yeah the confidence doing the lives. The reason I do the lives. And then edit it for the podcast is because I'm set up that way. I don't have a major expense of equipment. I have my computer and my Mike and the software that I use. But if you want to do. Podcast, which is through audio, you have to bring in other equipment to make it sound, sound good and I don't think these sound too bad. It's not the most expensive. mic it's an average mic but it does what it needs and at the minute I'm happy with that. So if anybody's thinking I'd like to do that, then just go ahead. Bite the bullet. I didn't really have a target audience, obviously horse people but you know I just set out doing what I love. So I didn't think, where am I going to get the most listeners? I just started and it's grown from there. So again, I'm eternally grateful and as long as I enjoy this and the guest agreed to come on, then I will continue to do so and once again, if you think of anybody that would maybe be interested or a good subject, To talk about then please drop me a line at equinevoicesronnie@gmail.com and I'll get back to you. So have a wonderful day wherever you are in the world. I hope the weather it's good for you to Yeah, it's nice to have a nice spring, nice sunshine. Although we need balance, we need rain yeah, we need rain too. So balance is what it's all about in all areas of life. Have a good day. Thank you for listening and I shall talk to you soon. Bye for now.