Equine Voices Podcast
Hello and welcome to Equine Voices podcast. My name is Ronnie and I’m an intuitive equine communicator. I’ll be Sharing stories and personal thoughts (from my own perspective) on how my life changed for the better, by changing my limited believes one step at a time. This has impacted not only on my personal life but also in my work with horses. I'll be sharing this space with like minded people, who have very kindly agreed to join me in an interview . . . (well it's more of a chat really) This is a great way to share their interests, skills and life experiences which may give guidance (or a lightbulb moment!) to someone on their journey, into discovering how they wish to proceed or find another way in this world we call life. With the help of good friends, self help and lots of soul searching, I feel I'm now in a much better place. However, I've still a long way to go but then isn't that what life is all about, the journey, not necessarily the destination. I hope you enjoy the podcasts. I’m excited to share some of my stories and hopefully, hearing about some of your experiences too.
92 episodes
A Christmas Gift
A Christmas Gift.A little message I made this evening on my way back from the horses.I hope this Christmas season brings you joy, in whatever form it may arrive and a chance to take some much needed time out to relax and take sto...
Episode 90
Interview with Leslie Desmond - www.feelofahorse.com
Interview with Leslie Desmond.I was so excited when Leslie agreed to join me on my podcast, especially as she is such a busy lady, who often travels around the globe for her work.Unfortunately due to a few technical issues, t...
Episode 89
Sunday Morning Inspiration.
Sunday Morning Inspiration.Over a morning cup of tea and a conversation with an amazing beautiful lady, I witnessed a glow in her face as she talked about her dreams in life.Her whole being glowed from within, as she spent a ...
Episode 88
A Few Moments and Seasonal Thoughts
A Few Moments and Seasonal Thoughts. Taking advantage of a few quiet moment, as the day gently fades into night. Sharing a few thoughts before I head inside for a lovely cup of tea, which is always welcome. ...
Episode 87
Receiving with Gratitude
Receiving with Gratitude .Sometimes we forget, how often beautiful gifts of kindness are bestowed upon on us in our journey of life.Not all are from friends or family, they may be from a stranger or a universal intervention t...
Episode 86
Podcast Interview with Kerri Lake - www.generateharmony.com
Interview with Kerri Lake.I'm so excited to announce an interview with Kerri Lake.It's been a while since I did a live interview and I've really missed chatting with my lovely guests (I have a backlog to catch up with) so I wa...
Episode 85
Solar Flares (aurora borealis)
Solar Flares - Aurora BorealisWhat a magical evening of light and colour that could be seen in many areas of the globe.I'd gone to bed but as I looked out of my window I could see subtle changes in the sky and remembered abou...
Episode 84
Interview with Tom Mayes - Integrated Equine Therapies (Part 2)
Interview with Tom Mayes - Integrated Equine Therapies (Part 2)I'm so delighted to have another chance to have an in depth conversation with Tom and after our last session, it was obvious from some of the comments, that the lis...
Episode 83
All The Dots Don’t Have To Be Aligned
All the dots don’t have to be aligned.Another little impromptu recording while sat out with the girls.I guess sometimes you have to role with the dice and as I'm unable to download my latest podcast interview (due to snail speed ...
Episode 82
Sunshine and Rainbows
Sunshine and Rainbows.A little recording I made this morning while sat with the horses.It was a foggy start but as the mist cleared and lifted from the ground, the sun smiled and the birds began to singBeautiful moments t...
Episode 81
Sharing a Few Moments in Time.
Sharing a few moments in time.A little recording I made on my iPhone this evening while sat under the moon and stars.There is nothing quite so peaceful as being with the horses and sitting in the early evening moonlight, at the e...
Episode 80
New Home New Adventures.
New Home New Adventures.Hello and welcome to this little update on why I’ve been a little quiet since my last podcast and what I’ve been up to in the last month. Myself and the girls (horses) have moved to another area ...
Episode 79
Podcast Interview with Tom Mayes - Integrated Equine Therapies
Interview with Tom Mayes - Integrated Equine Therapies I'm excited to announce an interview with Tom Mayes from California USA.I've been aware of Tom for a while but after listening to his story on a recent podcast I realised I k...
Episode 78
Interview with Dr Tomas Teskey - www.insighttoequus.com
Interview with Dr Tomas Teskey - www.insighttoequus.comSecond time lucky! After our first attempt (which didn't get off to a good start due to technical issues and mosquitoes) I'm very pleased to announce f an interview wi...
Episode 77
Animals and Afterlife - Q&A
Animals and Afterlife - Q&A - with Ronnie King.A conversation about animals and afterlife, through my own experiences and although is not the main part of my work, it is something that I do from time to time.It is always ...
Episode 76
Feeling Proud - "It's The Little Things"
Feeling Proud - "It's The Little Things"I wanted to say a BIG thank you to all of my listeners, my friends who encouraged me and of course my wonderful, amazing guests who have joined me in a conversation about horses, intuition, syn...
Episode 75
Sharing Messages with Others - Interview with Ronnie King (Host: Ginny Jablonski)
Sharing Messages with Others - Interview with Ronnie King (Host: Ginny Jablonski)I recently had the pleasure, of being asked to come back and do another podcast, as a guest with the lovely Ginny Jablonski from "Interspecies Evo...
Episode 74
Interview with Jordanna Anawalt - www.choicetribe.com
Interview with Jordanna Anawalt.I'm very pleased to announce an interview with Jordanna Anawalt.I recently came across Jordanna on a podcast with Warwick Schiller (The Journey on ...
Episode 73
Interview with Linda Tellington-Jones - Tellington TTouch
Interview with Linda Tellington-Jones.I'm very excited and pleased to announce an interview with the delightful Linda Tellington-Jones.Not only is Linda an amazing horse woman, she is also a very intuitive lady who has carved ...
Episode 72
Interview with Gareth Mare' - Heartfelt Horsemanship
Interview with Gareth Mare - Heartfelt HorsemanshipI'm excited to announce an interview with Gareth Mare' from Heartfelt Horsemanship in South Africa. I've been a follower of Gareth and his work for a while now and asked him ...
Episode 71
Interview with Pat Cleveland and Guest Sally Spencer - The Balanced Horse Project
Interview with Pat Cleveland and Guest Sally Spencer- The Balanced Horse ProjectI'm very pleased to announce an interview with Pat Cleveland - The Balanced horse Project Alabama (USA) and her guest client, Sally Spencer from th...
Episode 70
Interview with Lily Wilson - www.nurturingnatureequine.co.uk
Interview with Lily Wilson .I'm very pleased to announce an interview with Lily Wilson. Lily is a qualified veterinary surgeon from the UK who uses all of the knowledge she has accumulated so far, into helping her clients have a ...
Episode 69
Communication - The depth of love that can often be shared has no limits.
Communication.The depth of love that can often be shared has no limits or boundaries and is not always relayed in word form.This was a recording I made live after a session with one of my clients.It was so beautiful and h...
Episode 68
Coming up: New Sister Podcast - Heart & Soul
Coming up: New Sister Podcast - Heart & Soul.Hello and welcome to this short podcast.The reason being is I wanted to share something really exciting, well I think it's exciting . . . I'm about to launch my second podcast.&nbs...
Episode 67
Podcast Interview with April Love - www.holistichorseworks.com
Interview with April Love - www.holistichorseworks.com I'm very pleased to announce an interview with April Love from Holistic Horse Works.I've been a follower of April for a while now so it was a real treat to have her on as a g...
Episode 66