Equine Voices Podcast

It Starts With A Thought

January 21, 2022 Ronnie King Episode 31
Equine Voices Podcast
It Starts With A Thought
Show Notes Transcript

It Starts With A Thought.
This podcast is a little explanation into why, for me, it's important to act on any messages that come my way (in whatever form) and to share "pass them on"

This will become apparent as you listen to the episode.

So I hope you enjoy this little "Message" that I'm sharing with you today because as far as my work and my personal life is concerned,  this is what it's all about . . . sharing knowledge, so we can hopefully  learn from each other and be an even better version of ourselves.

Have a wonderful day!
Regards Ronnie


Video version (alongside applicable podcasts) can be viewed on facebook and YouTube.

Contact Ronnie.


Hi today's podcast is about where our thoughts take us. Today I needed to take my car into the garage just to get it checked. So while the car was in the garage, I decided to go for coffee and I took a book with me which was Susan Fay sacred spaces book. Because every time I sit down to keep reading it. I've read bits of it, I get distracted. So I thought right I'm going to take it with me and go for a coffee. So I find this nice cafe to go into and sat at the table and started to read the book and as I was reading one of the pages that I was reading I could feel the energy around my head change and it's almost like a cob web feeling. If any of you have experienced that before, it's where you feel somebody stroking your head but it's a gentle, real gentle feeling or like a sensation of somebody touching your skin but it's like cobweb feeling I think most people know what that is. So I knew where I was reading, it was relevant to me, it's all relevant but this particular part was where I needed to pay attention and as I was reading, I was connecting to my intuitive side. Because that's what happens sometimes you focus on one thing only. Which is why when I get into my car, that's when I get messages for people, horses. People I've never met, people I don't know but I know how to maybe get the message to them, I get messages. It's because I'm focusing on driving, now if I've got the radio on is sometimes depending on the music, it can still get through but it's a sitting down focused drive and it's like, okay we can get in. She's concentrating on one thing and this was the same sat in the cafe reading book. My mind was focusing on one thing and this is why I always say to my clients, the best thing you can do is spend time with your horse. Is doing nothing. Not the normal stuff, it doesn't matter if you go once, twice, three times a day. That's not the same as just being in their company, for no reason at all, no agender. But take a book to read, something light, something that helps your focus come away from the chatter in your head. And this is something I've always said but now it makes more sense as to why. So today reading a book and messages came through. So I passed these messages on. Now the intention of the message is to send it out, What happens afterwards? It's not my responsibility, it's down to the individual that receives a message. But my job is to send that message on because it's come through me and that's what I've agreed to do. I've agreed to pass on any messages that come my way. That doesn't mean to say that there's a big antenna up there saying, right we've got to get all these messages to Ronnie to pass on worldwide. Now they will get to people in different areas of the world. Because it will be supported, it will be made possible but this can happen to anybody okay you have to be open. So if you're willing to allow a conversation to start wherever that comes from. The universal energies know that and they will give a message to you That's your comfortable to pass on, to where it needs to go. Once you've done that then that's it, that's the end of your role? Unless you get feedback or somebody comes back and they want more information but that's what your job is. Now obviously we get excited when I say we, I get excited becasue I think wow what does that mean? I hope that means something and sometimes you think, yeah. Because you might've had a conversation with somebody, it could be a stranger it could be a friend and then this information comes, so you know, that it's relevant in some way but the outcome isn't your responsibility. You always give information and messages with empathy, compassion and kindness but what happens afterwards is not your responsibility. This is for somebody else. They take up the Baton, so to speak and decide what the going to do with it. And it's amazing. It's lovely but it's also quite euphoric at times because you have this feeling of, this is going to sound maybe a little bit, I don't know. It's a lovely feeling, it's, it's I'm going to say it, it's pure love. It's just pure gentle love that you get these messages with and it comes with such feeling. So it's an honor, pleasure to pass them on. And I wanted to share that with you because I'm sure somebody that's listened to this will had a similar experience. Now you might not be animal communicator, you might not be as you think psychic or intuitive but some things come over you and you've had this nice feeling you've passed it on. You could be sat next to a stranger on a train, on a bus or, you know on a seat somewhere in a park and you have this urge to say hello and then have a conversation. In that conversation there may be something that you're not aware of but that person has a understanding of. You resonate together, you have a resonation with each other and then you say bye have a nice day and you leave. You could have made such a difference to that person but also what they give back in that feel that energy can make a difference to you. So never underestimate the power of a thought but you have to engage with it, you need to take it somewhere. It's like filling a car up full of diesel, full of fuel and turning the engine on but you're sat there, you don't to put it into gear, you don't move forward, you're sat there. You need to do something with it. If you don't, that message will find its way to somebody else. Another example of thoughts. Some times you'll see these entrepreneurs or somebody you know has an idea and they do something with it and they make a massive impact or little impact. Or they do something that's important environmentally or emotionally or physically or you know, they become leaders, world leaders and you could be sat there thinking, oh my God I thought about why didn't I do something with it? There's thoughts that float around the universe the whole time in the form of energy and they're looking for somewhere to land. This is my explanation, they're looking for somewhere to land and if they see an open vessel, which is you, that's willing to take that message, that energy, they will land at your doorstep. And the more they know that you are going to pass it on or do something with it, they will come back. I'm saying they, the energy will come back and leave more messages with you. If they're knocking on your door and you don't open. You sit there and you say, thank you but I'm not going to do anything with it, which is your choice, so this is not me preaching and saying, this is what you should do. I'm just sharing, as I do. So if they have a closed door, Then they're going to stop knocking and try somewhere else and that message or that song that's waiting to go into the charts or that movie that's been sat there waiting to be written and filmed or that book will go somewhere else. So the next time you have a thought that comes into your head. If you're in a place where you're sat quietly or you feel that energy and you feel, it has a nice feel about it. Take note of it. Take note. Don't think that's nice and carry on doing what you're doing. Do something with it, even if it's not straight away, make a conscious effort that you are going to look into this or do something with it because it will pass you by if not. So that is my day today, that's my thought and You never know where it's going to take you. Just get excited in that moment and feel the intention behind it. Even if it's a thought, you think, I don't know how to pass this on. Remember I've said this before in your previous podcast. You will be given something that you can do. You're not giving something that you can't physically, emotionally do or you're not ready for but you have to believe in it. And as long as you do this with compassion and empathy, remember you'd like to give a message the way you like to receive it and if it's about kicking your butt because you need it, you can still do that with a compassionate and kind loving way. So have an amazing, wonderful weekend. Pay attention to your thoughts, how it feels in your body and make a note of where you think it's going but don't be hung up on the outcome. You're just doing the process. The rest will be taking care of. Have a wonderful weekend and I look forward to talking to you soon and stay tuned because I've got some really interesting people coming up and some collaboration interviews which going to be exciting. So take care and bye for now.