Equine Voices Podcast
Equine Voices Podcast
Sharing Messages with Others - Interview with Ronnie King (Host: Ginny Jablonski)
Sharing Messages with Others - Interview with Ronnie King (Host: Ginny Jablonski)
I recently had the pleasure, of being asked to come back and do another podcast, as a guest with the lovely Ginny Jablonski from "Interspecies Evolution"
On this occasion, we talked about the messages that both Ginny and I receive for clients or people we may or may not know personally.
It is a big part of my work and something that people may not be aware of.
It's always an honour to pass on any messages that may come from an animal or some-other form of life but it always comes with the best intention and always with love.
So sit back, relax and I hope you enjoy this episode with myself (on the other side of the table) and my lovely host Ginny.
Join Ronnie and I as we discuss our experiences of sharing messages from animals and loved ones with others.
Ronnie King is an animal communicator, equine massage therapist and the host of Equine Voices, a lovely new podcast focusing on the equine industry.
Here's a link to two of my blogs on www.heartofthehorse.us talking about a similar situation with a client and a neighbours horse:
Our Words Matter (client testimonial):
How Our Intentions Effect Our Animals (blog):
The introduction to this podcast is narrated by Rick Lamb PhD.
*The information provided in this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical, psychiatric or veterinary advice or treatment. Always seek licensed medical, psychiatric, or veterinary care.
Interspecies Evolution™ promotes holistic balance through an integrative treatment model defined by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health.
Please use discernment when contracting with energy "healers" who claim to heal humans or animals in any capacity. Interspecies Evolution™ promotes self-awareness and empowerment through education and direct experience on one's own journey of remembering.
For more information about the Host, Ginny Jablonski, please refer to her website at http://www.heartofthehorse.us
Video version (alongside applicable podcasts) can be viewed on facebook and YouTube.
Contact Ronnie.
Welcome to interspecies evolution. The purpose of this podcast is to highlight human consciousness and how our self awareness can lead to our honoring animals as conscious beings as well. We have gathered more than three dozen people with unique experiences and education, inviting them to share their journeys and how their relationships with animals have changed along the way. If you are seeking inspiration on your own journey of awakening. or simply want to improve your relationships with animals. We invite you to join us because it is time for interspecies evolution. Here's your host, Jenny Jablonski.
Ginny:My guest today is Ronnie King. Ronnie is returning for another exciting conversation about animal communication and today we're focusing on messages, giving messages to people, surprising messages, unexpected messages, and sometimes, unfortunately, Unwanted or unaccepted messages, so welcome back to the podcast. Ronnie. Thank
Ronnie:you, Ginny. Thank you so much for inviting me back to your amazing, wonderful podcast, and I'm really excited to talk about messages because that's something that I do. quite regular, but it just happens organically, and I always believe that who I get a message for, that on some level, on, on some level with themselves, with their own, um, consciousness, own being, is ready to accept it, because I don't think I've had a message where it's not taken, as far as I'm aware. There might be some, um, wanting clarity, but most people have been courteous in taking the message.
Ginny:Wonderful would you like to give an example? And on this podcast, we talk about our own experience, our direct knowledge, our direct knowing, and how did that evolve for you? And when was the first time you were called to give a message to someone?
Ronnie:Okay. I can't remember the first time, but I was probably in my car because that's when, um, when I have the least distraction. So I'm, I'm in my car driving and. It usually starts with the person pops in or the horse pops in and I take a note of it and then sometimes if I'm busy, obviously driving, I get somewhere and then I'm distracted because I've got to do what I've got to do. And then I normally get. the feeling and the name again a second time. And I acknowledge that to myself, okay, that's the second time. And then when I get it the third time, it doesn't matter what I'm doing. If I'm driving, it doesn't matter where I am, I will stop what I'm doing and go, okay, I'm listening. And quite often it's a feel that the person's pops into my thoughts and I'm sort of aware and I'm listening and feeling what this is. Now sometimes there's not always words. To start with, it's just me acknowledging that I'm ready. I'm opening the connection for the communication. Then when I say the first word, it's like, okay, I've got this word, I've got this feeling. I'll say the word out loud to myself. Quite often I'll record them into the phone and I'll send them directly to the person. I'll record it. And as I'm recording. then the rest of the information comes, which is very similar to communication, how it is for me. When I'm working with horses and people, but yeah, I get them quite frequently and I don't mind passing the message on because I will always say. If this doesn't resonate or it doesn't mean anything, then I apologize for disturbing you. And you don't have to take this, you know, if you don't mind letting me know, if it does mean something, all you have to do is a thumbs up or just say, hi. Yep. That's, that's fine, I'll record the message I'll pass it on. And then that's it. That's it. That's my bit done. And then if I get feedback, which I do tend to get feedback, even if it's just thank you. Yes, I get that. And sometimes I'd like a bit more because the messages can be quite exciting. I'm like, Oh, I wonder what that means. But that's just maybe the human part, but I find it fascinating. So for me personally. It's not a case of going up to a stranger or, although sometimes that's happened, and I'm shoving a message down their throat. It's, it's not, it's always facilitated. I believe it's set up and the ears are already open to hear it, to receive it and because of that, I trust the messages that come. If I get a message, it's because I'm meant to. There's no thinking is that. Is that me talking or is that somebody else? I trust it so much now and I know it and like I said three times for me, if it comes three times that's like pay attention and sometimes it's just a snippet and sometimes it's, it can be a bit of channeling that comes through and I pass that on. There usually is a connection, so quite often it's people I've connected with and it's not always physically. It can be I've had messages for guests that I've interviewed and then later I've passed those on. For people, clients that I've met, their horses come through, but there's something else that's come through too and I pass that on. I don't always ask for but it comes naturally and then the person will say to me, Oh, that makes sense because of this. So that's why the feedback is important. Uh, as far as that's concerned, I don't need to know the details because it's personal but, uh, yeah, I, I love doing that and it's a big part of what I do. Yeah. It's every week there's something that comes through and it might be just a little thing. I pass it on. It's either a text or a voice message. I have had things where there's emotion in it, and you know there's emotion, and I'd like to think that I'm very empathetic, and I say it how I would like to, to receive that and I don't allow my head to interpret, or I try not to anyway, if it's, if it's normal stuff. Um. It was funny, I had one the other day for a lady and as the message came through, one of her guides came through and she asked me to sit in the energy so that I could feel her as she spoke. And that was really interesting because my head started to have an idea of what I thought it might be due to a previous conversation but as I said it though, as I was saying it, because I say it to myself, it's like I speak to myself and I'm saying it out loud. As I'm recording it. And then as I'm saying it, I'm thinking, no, I don't think it is that, but, you know, when, if you're learning something about yourself or you're, you're going through a plan, a plan in your head and you talk to yourself and you, you sort of say this plan one way and you're mulling it over because you think, you know, maybe I should do that and you get this feel thinking no, actually, no, I don't think it's that one. That's what I need to do today. And it's similar to that when the communication comes. So it was quite funny that she said, sit in my energy and I smiled because I knew why she said, sit in my energy because she wanted her essence to come through and not to get distracted by what my head thought it might be. Um, but I'm aware of that. So, yeah, it's very interesting. Very interesting.
Ginny:I love that. The very first time I was. Introduced to people giving messages to other people was following my, let's see, second near death experience. And I went to meetings held monthly in different parts of the country. Where other people who have had near death experiences would share their experiences, because many of us have quite astonishing after effects, and it can be quite confusing for a while. In fact, it is said that it can take people up to seven years to fully integrate and understand the experience, heal from it, and Really develop a true sense of why it happened and what direction our life is taking us and I enjoyed going to these meetings because they were filled with people who had either had a near death experience, known someone who had a near death experience or had a loved one. Or a friend or colleague pass away and they were searching for answers and in that environment, people are seeking messages, seeking validation that we are infinite beings of light, that beings can exist multidimensionally, that life goes on after. The physical body passes away and in that environment, I I felt like I feel right now. I just have chills everyone if you can see like every hair on my arms is standing up. I just feel the truth of it. It's it makes me feel so joyful and so enthusiastic and so passionate about the conversation. If somebody were there in a group, we would break out into talking groups or experiencing groups or sharing groups after a meeting. And if there was someone in the group who could give messages and say, Oh, you know, your grandmother that passed away when you were little is standing right behind you and giving these beautiful messages or someone maybe in their 40s who had a young child pass away or 30s or 40s. People were so. gracious and so thankful and so enlivened and heartfelt. The experience was so heartfelt and so emotional that I realized firstly, it's true. Secondly, it affects people deeply. Thirdly, If you do this and you are this you are celebrated. I didn't realize when you walk outside of that room. It's not always celebrated. Not everybody is seeking those types of answers. Not everybody wants those types of messages and for 101 or more reasons. And so, you know, many years passed and from time to time I would give people those types of messages and for the most part, 99 percent of the time, people were thrilled to receive them. I walked past, you know, somebody's plant and it said it needed water or a bigger pot. So, giving the message from a potted plant makes people happy or. Walking in the yard, I would clearly see that a dog, you know, had been buried there and oh, is this your dog? Because he's here talking to me and really interesting things like that. And after many years, five, six, seven years, I started working with people and. Animals would come into the people sessions, right? The human sessions, and they would start giving messages. And for a while, I was a little put off, like, what the heck? What the heck is going on? These animals are bothering, but I just realized how much. It really affects most of us to receive messages from people who have crossed over. But what you and I are, are really discussing today is animals who are alive, people who are alive receiving messages either from their, their benevolent team of guides or their animals or their higher self. You know, that, that certainly happens a lot. But I've had it happen where I was woken up in the middle of the night by an animal to give a message to, and it was a horse, to the owner of the horse. And I knew that the owner of the horse did not care for me much at all. The prior year I had spent thousands of dollars to fly across the country to meet someone who worked in the equine industry and it had been recommended that we would work well together and our efforts would be very complimentary and maybe we could do a project together and I got there and she didn't resonate with me at all. She was very much a mind, body, body. person who worked with, you know, the physical movements of the horse, not necessarily, uh, the spiritual aspect of it. But she had invited several people to come and meet me. And it turned out that I flew cross country to meet these other people. So even though she wasn't quite enamored with me to put it Nicely. Um, the people that I met there were, became good friends and are, continue to be good friends and I've worked with them on many, many occasions since then. But it was Valentine's Day. It was the morning, the early morning of Valentine's Day. And my husband and I had gone on vacation and I was laying in bed and this person's horse came and filled up the room and said, excuse me, I need to talk to, you know, my, my, my owner, my caretaker. And I said, what? I said, she doesn't like me. I'm certain she doesn't care for me. I don't think she's going to accept a message for me. I think you need to go to somebody else. I tried to go back to sleep and the horse came again. Ginny, I really need you to give this man, I really need to talk to her. I need you to call her and facilitate a conversation between us. And I said, Oh, I just don't, I just can't imagine there's any way that this will work. Are you sure? And the horse was adamant, you know, yes, please do this. So I woke up in the morning and I thought long and hard about it. I asked my higher self, is this the right thing? I grounded, we're in Sedona on vacation. So I went outside and I grounded and I talked to the rocks and the trees and, and I talked to my higher self and my team, my horses at home. And everybody said, this is important. The horse is asking you to be its voice. If the woman doesn't receive it, it's okay. It doesn't matter. Don't project onto it. So I had to do a little bit of healing for myself to make sure that I wouldn't project onto that, you know, but I did and I texted her and it sounded as if she would receive the message but it wasn't quite convenient at that time or what have you and we texted back and forth over about a week and finally I got a sense maybe she isn't going to be open to receiving the message. So to encourage her, I said, you know, please let me know when you're ready to receive the message because it is a message of love. And her response was, thanks for the message. Uh, great. Okay. Bye. So she didn't want to have a conversation. She wasn't open to that conversation. And a few short weeks later, that horse passed away. And I have to tell you, Ronnie, that was a wonderful opportunity for healing for me because Here was a horse who really wanted to give a loving message to someone and totally believed I was the right person to give the message and and apparently didn't go to any other animal communicators because we have mutual friends and I had to do a lot of healing around whether or not people receive the message. And if they do receive it, how they perceive the message to not bear that burden of responsibility. And that really is a thing. You know, so many of us are waking up now, waking up to our abilities. Our abilities are coming online, telepathic, claircognizant, clairvoyant, and many people are stuck, and they're not receiving these messages. And for me, from my perspective, if anybody gave me a message, I would be grateful. I would be so grateful, but other people of course have the free will choice not to receive a message and there are many reasons why people choose not to, many of which are their unhealed wounds. It's really not about, you know, they would say boundaries or, or what have you, it's more many times I've seen it be, it's about fear or a doubt or a lack of faith or a worry that if you do wake up and believe in all of this, that once again will be persecuted from the many life experience where we've shared our gifts and been persecuted and we could talk about this, of course, for hours and hours, but I think it's, Something that people who are considering becoming animal communicators or psychics or mediums or messengers of any kind, whether it be professionally or just casually between friends and family, we have to know that the wounded parts of us can light up when people don't want to receive or perceive incorrectly or misuse misinterpret the message. Does that, does that resonate at all with you?
Ronnie:Yes, it does. That was quite sad. But as you were talking, I felt sadness for, for the lady that didn't, for whatever reason, um, couldn't take the message or didn't want to hear. And the horse was giving the love and wanting to say something to her. And maybe she was afraid of what... The horse was going to say, or maybe she didn't believe. I, I don't feel that was the case.'cause that's what I'm picking up now. Um, there was a fear of something within that, but again, I can't prove that this is just what I'm sensing. Um, and all you can do is do your best is to pass on if you can, the message, if it's a case of they don't even want to hear, then there's nothing you can do really. Um, I must say I haven't had, touch wood, I haven't had that experience. Many years ago, many years ago, I made a promise to myself, and I think that's what the universe is, is heard, that I would I would hear any message, and if I was able to pass it on, I would, regardless of whatever and, for me, I'm, I'm always open, it's there you know, otherwise, I wouldn't get those. Um, it's not intruding to me because it's usually, as I said, when I'm driving and because I say it's when I'm getting my car, then the universe knows, okay, she's in the car. Let's connect. And most of the messages that I pass on have been, because I always say the time. So if I record this, I will say it's Tuesday, um, seven o'clock or 7 p. m. in the UK. So that the person knows what time I got the message, because that's quite relevant. Quite often they may have just been doing something or thinking about something and the message becomes more relevant for that reason and again, I always start with Hi, I hope this makes sense if it doesn't that's absolutely fine. Don't worry about it you know, don't take it on That's that's fine. But if it does just let me know and that'd be great and then Sometimes I'll get the second part of the message and I can get like little things which mean nothing to me and I'll go, does this make sense? And then I'll, I'll text them. But it does start with connection of some kind. Now I made a promise to the universe that I would be able to be open and to me, that is the case. So it's, it's not very often aunt Nellie or grandpa, you know, grandma that's passed, but I do. Get those that come through as the main message comes through. I mean the one yesterday was lovely because the lady that came through was obviously a guide. She wasn't a relative, she may have been in another life, but she was a guide. And it was just lovely that she let me sit in her energy and it was very soft. And I trust the feel. So it's about trusting. And for me, it's, it's like second nature now. Doesn't mean to say that it's always correct for somebody else, but uh, to the best of my ability, what I'm receiving, I'm giving out as clear as I can. Now, two people can see something going on and they'll describe it differently. So I only give what I receive, what I feel, and no more. Um, Because when my head starts to have an opinion, then I can tell because the chatter sort of comes in a little bit more. But again, sometimes it's chatting, as I'm chatting, it's almost like, right, okay, clear that bit out, now we're coming through again. Okay, that makes sense. So it's like, You're listening, you're talking, and you're channeling, you're, you're hearing, you're feeling and I've been lucky that the messages have been, I'd say, quite nice messages. They've, they've been, they haven't been like the message that you received and wasn't taken, unfortunately. I, I have had, I don't know if I talked about this before in our previous podcast, I can't remember, um, a hoarse cry for help and it was really desperate and I, I knew who this was for, but I had no idea, so I passed this message on and the person received it and literally got back to me straight away saying they've just opened an email and what you've described, I'm looking at the video right this minute. So I says, can you help? Yes, probably. Okay. And that's all I need to know. But my curiosity was, well, did he help? What happened? But that's a human, that's the curiosity I'm wanting to know. Because although you're giving them, it's the same as somebody receiving. It's, well, how did she know that? it's strange. Do you find that, Ginny?
Ginny:Yes. I mean, I think it depends. Different people have different levels of awareness or belief. If you're asking about how the people receive, or are you asking about how do you know that you're receiving the certainty? Because I'm 100 percent certain. Oh, no, no, not that it's, it's like you're watching a little movie and you can hear yourself and you know what such has happened, but it's like, I'm outside of that and I'm watching thinking, wow, how did he do that? It's not quite like that, but it's, yeah, it always amazes me. It always, it always amazes me. Absolutely. For me, it's different for every animal and every human being, because as souls, we have developed different levels of psychic abilities in many lifetimes. And in this lifetime, depending upon our, Conscious awareness, our intellectual understanding of things. We open certain, what I call evolutionary gateways in our consciousness. And we then open to receiving information differently. Communicating with animals. I could have three dogs in the same room and three dogs. Communicate differently. One pictures, one feeling emotion. One a full on dissertation won't stop talking for 15 minutes and take a breath of air, right? It's different plants communicate different. And I was interviewing a doctor recently, just a few podcasts back and I said something about a, one of the plants saying, you know, I'm gonna come home with you, or something like that to me. And he made sort of an offhand is joke and he, this man is a shaman and he sort of offhandedly say, oh, well how did the. Plant learn English, you know, well, my response to him was. The plants and the animals don't have to speak English. Our souls communicate in a universal language and we translate it because we are in a human body, either speaking German or Russian or Catillion or what have you. The plant does not necessarily have to speak English, but plants, animals, and other people can Perfectly repeat to me what other people have said in the house, word for word for word, including swear words, so we know that they can hear and because our thoughts create pictures, they can read the pictures and certain souls are very advanced and communicate very extensively, very, um, complex ideas. Very, very specifically. Certainly it does amaze me every day. As much as I am 100 percent certain 100 percent grounded. I've spent so much time and effort and money talking to people across the world, making sure that I'm bringing forward, you know, accurate information and all of this. There is not a shred of doubt whatsoever. And nevertheless, no matter how confident we are, others Can have a lack of confidence or certainty, and I'll share one other with you before we continue. A horse came to me maybe two years ago. Very seriously. I need help. Please call my caretaker. No, I had met this horse in person owned by sort of a colleague friend of mine and the horse said I am in dire straits. I have a lot of issues. I can't get my soul back in my body. I've got a lot of trauma in my nervous system. I don't belong here. There's something wrong. No, I was very friendly with this person and I contacted her the next day and we spoke and bye. She said, well, what can, you know, what can I do to help? And I said, well, there are these few things, but he has a list. He really wants to talk about this. And, and she basically said, you know, thank you very much. And so the horse kept coming to me and I said, I'm sorry, I'm unable to help you. And he said, I will find you. I will find you. And I said, well, you're going to have to find me in a very ethical way because I can't do it like this. I'm unable to continue this conversation. Well, less than a year later. Another friend, mutual friend, contacted me and said she had a new horse that was asking to communicate with me. And I said, sure, of course. And we got on the phone and the horse came forward and I said, oh my gosh, it's this same horse. Well, thank goodness that person could hear. And the horse told me everything that was wrong. The person paid for a session with me. We figured it out and the horse was totally allergic to living in Arizona was in the wrong place. It needed to go back to another state where it previously lived. And sure enough, the universe had created the perfect opening for it to return to its original owner. Gladly, happily under wonderful circumstances. So sometimes the universe does move the chess pieces around on the board and the message is heard and we are able to help and not as quickly as we would like. Sometimes, unfortunately it did take a year and the horse did suffer somewhat, uh, quite a bit actually. And, and the woman that had taken over the care for the horse said she couldn't believe how much was going on with the horse that wasn't previously perceived. So anything can happen. And I think no matter what happens, we have to know that we've been asked to give a message for a reason and that we are doing so ethically and responsibly. We're not doing it out of ego. We're doing it out of love and compassion and trying to be of help. But like you say. If it doesn't resonate, you know, just let it pass on by. No harm, no foul.
Ronnie:Absolutely. You can't force somebody. And the same is for me you've got to be open and ready to, to accept that. I do find it comes in waves for me as you were talking, I was giving a visual and they were saying, explain it this way. So if you can imagine. a spaceship going through space and it is orbiting a planet and that's the, that's the person that I'm connected to and they're orbiting around this planet and then here am I and my ship is coming into their orbit too. So we're both aligned and each time they're conscious. Maybe talking to mine and that's how it's coming so basically sometimes it's them talking to them Selves but through me. Okay, or giving them an inkling So that's how it's coming and then then they'll go out of my orbit and it's like that And then maybe a few months later, we're back in sync again, because it does come in waves. I find people I'm giving message to quite frequently, and then it tails off naturally. And then somebody else will come in or there's, you know, there's more than one at a time. But then if you think about it, if everybody connected and you stayed connected the whole time and you were passing message on to everybody you connected with, you'd have no time to live. For me, It naturally has a cycle, and when it's finished, I'm almost, oh, okay, that cycle's done, and maybe the person has Vibration has changed, so they don't need that anymore. They're able to connect, or somebody else is to take over, because it's relays. Um, I won't get a message from somebody that I am not able to pass that on, even if it's like third, fourth, fifth party. There has to be a link. There has to be. Otherwise, there's no point for me. Um, that might be different for you, Ginny, but for me personally, there's these pathways, and that's how it works.
Ginny:Beautiful. Well, thank you so much for being willing to have this conversation. I think that it's very helpful. I know that it's quite helpful, in fact, for people who are going through these types of growing pains and learning how to navigate these new abilities that we're all getting and that we're opening up to. And not everybody is teaching ethics when they're teaching animal communication. Not everybody is teaching psychic awareness when they're teaching healing modalities. And You know, I am certain one that promotes that every single week. How can we be more self aware, more self responsible, energetically aware, manage our own energy, standing in our truth, on our own healing journey, doing the best we can every day. That, that's all. Everybody is already doing the best they can every day. And in navigating this, Conversation. This is where we begin to refine what self awareness means, refine our discernment, refine our relationship to, to other people. And as you said, your relationship to the universe and what you indicated you would be willing to do and under what circumstances, you know, with obviously very healthy boundaries. I appreciate you so much coming back and having this conversation. I'm, I'm certain many people are going to benefit from it. Would you like to share anything in closing?
Ronnie:Yes. I'd just like to say that, um, I didn't ask how it would come it. That's how it's worked out. But my understanding is that you already know it's just a human has to get on the same page. It happens naturally. That's my understanding. And also it's not a showmanship. It's from the heart and you know when it's coming from the heart and it doesn't have to be perfect. Your intention is honorable and With that compassion and understanding, and you don't have to read minds, you don't have to know somebody's life history, that's not what it's about. I think sometimes people can be, because when I first started to get the messages, I was aware that, People hadn't asked me, and I know healing in that, you, you don't give healing unless they've asked for it. But I felt, and, and my guidance was, they have asked you on a different level, okay. And I feel that, I sense that, otherwise I wouldn't get the message. It wouldn't come to me, it wouldn't come. So I have to trust that and trust the feel. But not to be scared because if you're unsure, if somebody's giving you a message and you're unsure, just say, can I just digest that? I, I'm, I can feel that my guard is up. I don't know why, but that should be telling me something about myself. So would you mind if I just sit with this and see how I feel? Anybody with a, with assault would say, absolutely no problem. If somebody's forcing you to listen, that's a whole different ballgame. There's no force in this at all. It's purely given from the heart. What you do with it is entirely up to you. It is not my responsibility and my goal or aim to make sure that you do something with this. I've done my job passing it on. I hope it's got to where it's needed because that's why it's come to me, but responsibility is not mine. How you deal with this. Um, but yeah, I can understand there may be people that have started doing messages and they get excited and they're, they're, uh, enthusiastic, but not sort of pulling back and just seeing and feeling the other person. Um, yeah. Does that make sense?
Ginny:Yes, it does. Very wise words. Very wise words. I invite the listeners to return again and have another conversation with me next week because now is the time for interspecies evolution. The information provided in this podcast is not intended. To be a substitute for professional, medical, psychiatric, or veterinary advice. Our conversations are based on our life's experiences. We intend this podcast to be complimentary and supportive. It is not intended to be a substitute for traditional medical, psychiatric, or veterinary care. If you need a doctor, a psychiatrist, or a veterinarian, please contact one immediately.