Equine Voices Podcast
Equine Voices Podcast
Feeling Proud - "It's The Little Things"
Feeling Proud - "It's The Little Things"
I wanted to say a BIG thank you to all of my listeners, my friends who encouraged me and of course my wonderful, amazing guests who have joined me in a conversation about horses, intuition, synchronicity and so much more.
Without you (all of you!) this wonderful little podcast which I am so proud of would not be possible.
So once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Regards and best wishes to you all.
Note: If you feel you have something to share (as mentioned in this episode) and would like to be part of a future podcast, please email me by clicking on the link below.
Video version (alongside applicable podcasts) can be viewed on facebook and YouTube.
Contact Ronnie.
Hello and welcome to Voice is my name is Ronnie and I am your host. Um, I'm giggling to myself well I was earlier because I'm recording this and I'm so used to do in lives., That when you do a live, you just have to go for it and you can't stop it and redo it again and this is about my, my fourth, the time. There's always benefits of prerecorded, but for me, I love the spontaneity of doing life interview because. She have to go free. The only drawback I can think of is technical issues, which you can't always find out about until you actually go live. Anyway, first of all, I'd like to say once again a huge thank you to all my listeners. I am so, so humbled and so grateful to all of you that listened to my little podcast, which has been on the go for just over three years now. I had no idea where it was going to go but when I look at the destinations, the countries, the regions, it's like, wow. I mean when I say all over the world, I'm not exaggerating. Now there's huge podcasts out there and podcasts is very much in the forefront but I started this too help spread the word of horses, intuition guidance and so much more. So I'm, I'm really, really proud. Now onto the reason why I've come on today, I would love to hear from any of my listeners, now I do have people that respond to what I'm doing their lives. I get feedback, which is brilliant but not all of you will be on my Facebook page or look at YouTube. It will be purely through the audio and I would love if you would share Any insights that my guests or myself may have helped you become aware of, aligned with, or, you know, just interested in, I would really, really love to hear from you and if there's enough interest, what I'm thinking of doing is maybe a webinar so people can join and they can come on, which will be then made into an audio podcast. But there may be people that don't want to be seen and just want to maybe come on and do a recording, that's fine too, so long as they know if there is firstly interests and if there is how much and then we can go from there. We can do maybe two different kinds a video, which will be new audio or just an audio as well. Yeah, I would love to, to hear back and any feedback and that applies to my guests too, not just the listeners, my guests, you are all on an equal footing here and I would love to share my little space and share it with my audience, if that's something that you feel that you could do. And don't forget, as you share, somebody may be listening to that and it may be their inspiration or their light bulb moment or just to thought that they have to look into something which will take them on to their particular journey. So I'm really excited. To see where this goes and it's always good to see where you head with your podcast, it's easy to stay on the same thing that you do already, which I am doing because I love it and as long as I love it, that's fine and like I said, I'm so humbled and I get so excited and I'm so proud of it, I am so proud of it because I do this myself. I do the editing you know, it's not shiny and polished likes some maybe, but it's made with my little hands uh, my little voice and the energies that come through, my guests and my listeners, you all add to this experience all of you. If it wasn't for you, the listeners, then obviously I wouldn't continue. So I'm forever grateful and so proud of this little podcast. Because I had no idea why it was going to go. I didn't go down the normal route of finding out who your audiences and all that sort of thing and I thought, no, this is what I like, and this is what I'm going to do. Anyway I knew of blow my own trumpet. Can you tell my excited. I am and I'm proud and there is no shame in that whatsoever and I love my guests. I am so honored that they say yes, and it still amazes me that they say yes they're all very different, they are all unique. They all bring something different to the table and this is what I would like to know from any of my listeners, even if you just write in, I can read them out if you don't want to be recorded if you would love to write in and let me know. I will quite happily read them out. I think that's nice and it's important yeah, I think that's part of it. So once again, a big, big, thank you to everybody involved, my guests, my friends that have encouraged me and my listeners cause without any one of you, this wouldn't be happening. So until next time. Have a wonderful day, wherever you are in the world. Take care and bye for now.