Equine Voices Podcast
Equine Voices Podcast
Animals and Afterlife - Q&A
Animals and Afterlife - Q&A - with Ronnie King.
A conversation about animals and afterlife, through my own experiences and although is not the main part of my work, it is something that I do from time to time.
It is always an honour to connect with a beloved soul and often it is the animal that chooses to connect with me, so I can pass on any messages they wish to share with their loved ones.
The book below is a beautiful book I read many years ago, about a woman who wanted answers, to events that happened after she lost some of her beloved animals.
You will never look at your animals in the same way again.
So sit back, relax and I hope you enjoy this episode.
Note: You will find links below for the people I mentioned.
A section from one of Kim's books:
Animals and the Afterlife
Do animals have souls?
What happens when they die?
This book offers some amazing answers.
Kim Sheridan grew up with animals as her constant companions. Each time she faced the death of a beloved animal, along with the pain came the same questions, to which she could find no answers. Then mysterious things began to happen which she could not explain. Unable to dismiss these mysterious events, Kim embarked upon what became an incredible journey to uncover the truth. Along with her own experiences, she compiled the extraordinary experiences of ordinary people from around the world. She discovered overwhelming evidence that forever erased her own doubts of an afterlife for animals. Kim’s award-winning book provides reassurance to anyone who has ever loved and lost an animal.
Video version (alongside applicable podcasts) can be viewed on facebook and YouTube.
Contact Ronnie.
Welcome. My name is Ronnie from Equine Voices I'm excited to do a chat tonight about animals and afterlife. The idea of this came around because I was listening to a podcast the other day and it was a lady called Karen Anderson, and she was on the Next Level Soul. And I've shared it on this page. So hopefully if you're interested, you can click on it, so it's Alex Ferrari, Next Level Soul, and it has some amazing, amazing podcasts. And It was really interesting for me because there was a lot of similarities. I'm just trying to slow my talking down now because I've been rushing. It feels really weird talking to myself and not having somebody to chat with, which is a bit bizarre. So we've got a few people joining, hi Celia, hi Martha. I think that's Martha. So what I'm going to do is just have a little chat and wait for people to join, hopefully, and maybe get some questions that you can ask me about animal communication. Because it's not just about chatting with animals that are still in the physical body. Sometimes you get communication from animals that have passed over, hence the title. And it is no different, apart from not seeing the physical, than chatting with an animal that is still on the earth plane and for me personally, we're different for everybody. And there are communicators out there that specialize in connecting with animals that have passed over. We don't like to say dead because they're not dead it's just the physical isn't here anymore. But for me, what happens is they normally connect with me and it may be that a client that I've been to see had an animal that's passed over and they link in somehow. So I don't always initiate it, but sometimes I will connect. So if I see a friend's horse or sometimes on Facebook, I see a horse that is passed over and sometimes I'll get a link in and I can pass any messages on to people I may know or, or through a third party. But it's fascinating. It's really fascinating. So if you're really interested, I have got a few books that I think I've shared before and I'll try and find out the titles again. Because they make things a bit easy and a bit clearer, and it varies depending on the communicator, but the basis of it is, is generally the same. Once again, if anybody wants to ask any questions, please feel free and then I can answer them. So what I'll do is I'll share a story because when I was thinking about what I was going to talk about. I was in my car and straight away this horse popped in and he's a, he's a beautiful, a beautiful funny boy and he's been around me for quite a while. He's not my horse, he's somebody I know and I did see him when he was alive and he pops in. But as soon as I was thinking about this, it was like tell him my story, tell him my story. So I'm not going to say who it is, I have talked about him before and the person knows, but I'm not going to mention his name, but it was it was a story to share and he wanted me to share it. I was basically driving home one day and I got this feeling of this horse and the person. So that's how it comes for me. I'll be driving, whatever I'm doing. The person will pop in or the animal pops in. So this is a horse that's passed over and It's a feel to start with and maybe a couple of words and what I do is I pay attention. Now, if I'm really busy, such as driving, I acknowledge it and carry on doing what I'm doing and then they'll pop in again. So I'll go, okay, that's the second time. And then the third time is my sign, which was very similar to Karen Anderson, the other communicator that I talked about earlier. She said, when I get it three times, I know I have to pass it on. So the third time this message came through, I thought, okay, okay I hear you. And I pulled over and. I just typed in what I was getting into my phone and passed the message on to this person and straight away I got a text back saying that's so funny because what you've just said and you described is What he used to do to me. So he used to pull at a t shirt, he pulled at a t shirt and she happened to have that t shirt on that day with holes in it where he'd been pulling at it. So that was confirmation for her that I was connecting to her horse. But it was really funny because it's just how he came in and he just wanted her to know that he's still around. So I sent the rest of the message and then I carried on my journey. But it's just interesting how they come, again, that's not one that I was connecting to intentionally. He popped into my awareness. So I passed that message on. Oh, we've got a few more people. Hello from South Africa. Oh, how exciting. Has anybody got any questions? Yeah I know Martha's here. Lovely Martha and Celia. I know you two guys are here. Tyrone from South Africa hello? And Jane hi Jane. Hi Joe. Oh, bless you, Joe. Okay, I'm just gonna put this little comment up'cause this is Joe. So Joe says, hi, Ronnie. I'm going to read this out for the benefit of the audio afterwards. Hi, Ronnie. We'll never forget when you contacted me when Bonnie made you stop your car, be forever grateful, Joe. Oh, you're more than welcome. It's so funny. So what happens is I don't know the information that comes through is relevant until I get some feedback. So I get a feel, okay and I get a name of the horse or the person. And sometimes it's just a feel of something and until I type or record, cause that's what I do now. I quite often record and then send the voicemail until I start to say. What is the first few words, the rest of the information then follows. And it's only enough so that the person understands the message and knows that it's their horse that I'm connecting to. So I don't have to have the whole picture. And it might be that they just want them to know that they're there cause they can feel maybe they've been sad, or maybe they've been thinking about them because, when people pass over, their energy, their spirit is still around, so it's exactly the same, they want their loved ones and their companions and their friends to know that they're okay and not to be sad. Now that doesn't mean to say that we don't miss them. We don't miss the physical. We don't miss that. that smell of their fur, their hair, the feel of them the little things they do. We miss that, we miss the tactile companion because that's what we are familiar with. And that's what we, that's what we know. So it doesn't mean to say that you don't mourn an animal when they pass, but they don't want you to feel that they're not there. Okay. They do not want you to feel that they have gone and they can't come close to you because they do, but quite often if you're, if you're too distraught or it's too painful, they will be close to you, but you may not feel them at that point, but they will make themselves known aware to you in some way. I'm trying to think of an example. So the message that I gave to a client of mine, the fact that he kept tugging at her t shirt, making holes in it, and she had the same t shirt on that day, as soon as I passed that message on, that was confirmation to her. Which was lovely, which was really, really lovely. It's so nice. We've got lots of people. Thank you so much for joining. Thank you. I sometimes see my cat. Yeah. Sometimes you might see what you think is at the corner of your eye. Like a foggy feeling, or you may be doing your housework or you're, you're sat there daydreaming and you feel that there's something there. And you look and then you think, no, it's my imagination. What if it wasn't your imagination? Okay, what if it wasn't? What if it was somebody there? Either a relative or an animal saying, I'm here. And they do come round us more and they try to be heard or seen when you're sad. So if you're really sad or you're going through a hard time, they want you to know that it's okay. They're here. Please don't worry, they're here. They don't want you to feel guilty. There's no need to have guilt. You do your best with your animals and you look after them. And as long as they have the needs met, they have shelter, they have food, they have warmth, and they have love. You don't have to be perfect. They don't expect that. They are so forgiving. And it's so unconditional. They love you unconditionally. And that's why it hurts when we lose them. When they pass, it hurts because they depend on us to do all of these things, to feed them, to look after them, to take them for walks, to be with them. And as they get older, they get frustrated too, but again, they don't, they don't expect you to be perfect. We've got some more comments. I'll read them shortly. Thank you so much. And when it's their time to go. They know how hard it is, they know how difficult it is to let them go. And there is no right and wrong answer. Okay? Because when it's your animal, you do your best for them, and you hope they stay, and you think, Is it? Time now or shall I wait so you have this struggle you have this conversation with yourself, but that's normal That's what we do. So if I give you an example of my own little Maisie she was a three legged whip it so she had one leg in missing at the front. So but it didn't stop her enjoying her life and Yeah I can feel that motion now and I know she's still around And because she had three legs, as she got older, her little frail body, because she's a whippet, if you can imagine, it's like a little chicken drumstick at the front, very thin bones, and her little back was getting more arched and bent as she got older, but she still got around. Arthritis was setting in. And as you do, you ask yourself the question, you know, I said to Maisie, let me know when it's time to go. Maisie. Please tell me, or if not me, tell somebody I know so that I get, I get the answer. And, and then you sort of put it, to the back of your head. And I asked this quite early on, and then that was it. That was fine. And she felt like she still wanted to be around. And then one day, she'd been struggling and going for walks. She'd had a few accidents you know, sort of having a wee before I'd got home and she was like, Oh, I'm so sorry I'm so sorry. And it's like, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. It's not your fault. And they came in one day, busy, busy bee, come in and took her for a walk, got my tea, come in and she was lied there. And I just put my hand on her. And I said, it's getting time, isn't it, Maisie? And I just knew that it was coming up to her time. I can't really say exactly what happened. It was just a knowing I just knew. However, I still needed confirmation that I was picking up right for my own animal you know, Maisie. So I asked a friend, who I do sometimes, just for confirmation. I don't tell her any details. I just say, can you tune in? And then she gives me what she feels, which goes with what I'm feeling. And she confirmed that, yes it's getting close not quite yet, but... It's getting close. So of course, being a human, I said, how long have I got, I'll be talking weeks, months, and it was, I think it was a couple of months. It was coming up to Christmas. So I thought, okay, I thought, right, I'm going to give her a good Christmas. And And that's what we did. And as I'm talking about this, my legs are shaking under the table. So our emotions are stored in our body and we don't forget it. And it does hurt because they're our loved ones and I can feel tears coming up so if I start crying, I'm not going to make any apologies because this is, this is life. So it doesn't stop that feel. It doesn't stop that, that feel because we loved them so much. We still love them. We loved them. We put our heart and soul and As I said, they are unconditional, so it doesn't take away from the pain, but for me, it doesn't last because I know she's around, so that's old emotions that are trapped in my body, because it's remembering that, okay, it's remembering that feel of loss, and it doesn't just, It means the loss of an animal, it will be a loss to whatever loss you've had, it will attach itself to that. So sometimes the emotions can be so extreme, so extreme because you're mourning the loss of your loved pet, but it might be that you've lost a person too, and you're not consciously thinking about it, but it will be there in your body. Okay. I don't know why I'm talking this way, but maybe somebody's listening to this and it might be a help because this is just what's flowing through now. And it was a time I was determined to be there. I wanted to be there. So I made the decision what day it was going to be. So I made a choice and I was all prepared to go on my own. And then my dear friend, Sam says, would you like me to come with you? And I said, Yes, please. So she did. And she came with me. So we took her to the vets and the vets were lovely. And I took her in and they said, Oh, what can we do? Because I've taken it before. And I said, It's a time. And they said, Oh, we can do tests and we can do this and we can prolong her life. And I went, No, it's a, it's a time to go. It's a time to leave she wants to go home. So she did. She went home and it was very peaceful. It was very beautiful. And then I came home and buried her. In the field where my horse is And Sam and the girls, her children came out. And helped me dig a hole because it was bloody hard work. Cause it was, it was clay soil. And we put Maisie in there and it was, it was beautiful, but she's still around and she's often in the car with me. And it's so funny because she always used to be in my car. I'll often be driving and, and feel her and I go, hi Maisie. So I can think about her and it's not heart wrenching but when I think about the story. I'm going through the story and I'm explaining it to you. The emotions are attached to the story, okay? Not to Maisie, because she's still here. They're attached to the story of what happened. So I'm saying that again because I think maybe somebody needs to hear that. So it doesn't not take away from the sadness or the loss of that physical smell, the feel, the little nicker of the horse or the dog barking or the cat, whatever the animal is, does not take away from that. So don't feel guilty. Allow that to come through you because that's mourning and that's what you need, but they are not gone. I promise you a hundred percent. They are not gone. They are still here. Okay. Right. I'm gonna see who else is commented. Hi Pam. Nice to see you too. Nice to see you too. So I don't know who this is, but I'm going to put it up and again, I'm going to read it for the benefit of the audio, because this is going to be made into a podcast. After my horse Crystal passed, I kept seeing a giant moth in the strangest places. And after my darling old girl, my solid dog passed away, there was a white feather in a food bowl are there real signs? They would send or just what we wanted to see? No, no, absolutely. So you know the thing about if you see a red car or say you are thinking of buying a new car and you like a red Ferrari. Okay, at my price range, but hey ho a red Ferrari. Then you'd be driving along, you think, oh my god, I've just seen a red Ferrari. Maybe not a Ferrari. Let's say Fiesta, a red Fiesta, and then you go around the corner There's another red Fiesta, and then there's another red Fiesta. It's not that you're looking at them But your awareness is more open to seeing them. Signs are no different. A sign for you May be different to somebody else. If you saw a feather, and you felt in your heart that was a sign, it's because it is a sign. Somebody else might see that and it might mean nothing to them. If a sign for you was a buzzard flying over, and you heard a buzzard and you looked up, that is your sign. It's whatever it is to you. That is your sign and if you feel that in your heart, that's what it is. Sometimes you can feel like butterflies or cobwebs. That is another sign or something push past your legs. Cats are brilliant at that. You might feel something or you maybe you're watching the TV and you go to eat your leg because you think something's just. Stroked it, that could be your dog, your cat. Horses connect anywhere because obviously they don't live in our living rooms. You could be driving along, you can be thinking about your animal and then you get this feel and you might say, Oh, I've only got that because I was thinking about them. Why did you think about them in the first place? They show themselves by coming into your thoughts. And you might think, why am I thinking of them? It's because they're saying hello, connect to me. A little example, when I'm communicating, when I get messages okay? I will get messages all the time. And Sometimes I will get the message as I'm passing a certain point on my journey. Now you could think, okay, I passed that point last time I got a message. So I think that's just making me think I'm going to get another message. And that's happened. And I'm ignoring that because I think it's because I've passed that point where I got my last message and I'd carry on driving and then they come back again, I think, no. It's just because I passed. It might be near where they live or a journey to them or just where you've had the message before at this certain point. And then the third time, that's my sign. So I acknowledge it. I text or voice message the message, pass it on. And then when I get a reply saying it makes sense. I think, okay. So don't ignore it, even if you think it's your imagination, because you won't know until you acknowledge it. If you acknowledge it and you get a nice feel, then that's it. It's not always massive, big things. It's not like a billboard saying, hello, I am here can you see me? It can be really subtle and very, very soft. It can be when you're drifting off to sleep, it can make you smile that you think about them and you have a smile and maybe a little tear that's them saying hi, because if you feel them in your heart, that's where they are. They are still with you. You are part of them as they are part of you, your energy. Is the same. Okay, it's the same and it's very beautiful and it's very personal to each person. So, if you have any questions, we've had one, which I hope I've answered. Did I answer that question, by the way? I don't know who you are, so I do apologize, but I hope I've answered your question. Okay, I connected with Ashley, my husband's horse, which I never met Martha. Yes! Yeah. Recently I've been getting messages for people, for horses I've not met. So I don't always meet these animals, but the message has to get to where it's going. It might be that who I talk to or who I've come into contact with or connected with, they know somebody who knows somebody who has a horse or a dog or a cat or a person. It's not always animals and I will get a message and something to pass on and say, right, this is what I've got. They want you to do whatever this is to connect to this person or does it mean anything? And then if I get feedback, I try and get more information for them. If they understand what it is, say, yeah, I've got this, that's fine. Then that's the end of the message. Feedback is really important and it's not for inflating somebody's ego. It's so you know that you're on the right track and sometimes you just get enough information to pass on. So that person goes, yes, I can take that. So then you get the rest of the message. If they don't know what it is, then there's no point asking for the rest of the message. Unless I know that it's been insistent that this is right, please make sure this person gets this. So I ask the animal to give me it in another way that the person can accept. Because remember, we all see things differently. We can see a movie, watch something going on in the distance, and we will describe it slightly differently. Depending on our experiences. So you have to just give it as clear as you can. And hopefully the person will acknowledge and understand what's being passed on. This is a message from a lady. My daughter always says hello and miss you to her pony who we had to say goodbye to when we go by his resting place. Yes, yeah I do that. I do that. It's really my cat Pookie, beautiful cat yeah, beautiful cat. Amazing buried next to each other. in a field. And it's not my field. So when it's time to move on, I know they're going to be stayed there. You know, there'll be there. That's their place, but it doesn't matter because that's not where they are. But quite often I look across to the, the tree. And imagination or not, I don't care, it doesn't matter to me because it still makes me feel joyous. I can see Maisie running across the field as she would. She would fly around the field, three legs or not. And the cats just sat there watching her as if to say, yeah, I'm not doing that. And it's just lovely. It's just lovely. But I know they're not there and I don't get sad. anymore, but I do if I'm recalling the events in the story of what happened. For example, taking my dog to the vets, you know, that's the story. And with that story, your mind recalls that memory, which is stored in your body and the emotions come forward, which is not a bad thing because it's trapped emotions. So it's not bad. It's not wrong, and sometimes these emotions just go And that's good because that's what's needed at that time I'm just going back through the comments. Right let's have a look. I'm just trying to think what else I was going to tell you about. Sometimes I'll get messages from, I don't often say that on my lives, but I do get messages, collective messages. Angie! Yes, of course! Oh my God, yes, of course! Finn! I was very lucky and very honoured and I'm very grateful. To two lovely ladies that invited me to Kiso to do horse camp. And I'd never done that before. And it was like a 20 minute sessions, an example of how communication how it works, for me. And I remember my first time I went, I was thinking, Oh my God, how's this going to work? Cause I've not done it this way before, you know, is it going to work anyway? It did, it worked. And Angie was one of the first few ladies that I met with a horse fin. And it was lovely. It was such a lovely communication. And I loved doing the camps because whatever was relevant at the time came through, and even though it was 20 minutes, it was just enough for that person and that horse to receive and pass on what they needed at that time. Which was great and it was great experience for me. It was great experience because I thought if I can do that, then I should stop hiding behind myself and get out there, which I did. But yeah, so I'm, I'm forever grateful for that. And I always will be and I will never forget that opportunity. Because it taught me a lot, taught me a lot. Okay. Hi Ronnie, lovely as always to listen to what we need to hear. When it's not our story, Tawes. Oh, bless you. Oh, Tawes is another one. She was so kind to organize a talk at Chessfield. Was it Chessfield? Yeah. And that was another first for me. So I went along to do an introduction and we had some horses and we did a little practice with some participants and I really enjoyed that. That was fun. I'd like to do more of that actually. Yeah I love to do that. I love to interact with people and show them that they all communicate. Everybody can do this. It's not something that's special and unique to individuals we all have the ability. I just taking that step further because there's been a drive behind it. And I'm more aware of why now, but at the time I wasn't sure. And I had imposter syndrome for a long time. And it doesn't mean to say, I don't have imposter syndrome, but before you're going to see a horse, before you're communicating and afterwards, when you're in human mode, that's when the little doubting Thomas, but during a communication, that's what happens and I'm there and I'm present. And there's lots of communicators and we all do our best and we all work slightly differently. So we all work differently for reasons. Don't think it's from my part to analyze why I have a more understanding of the bigger picture. And this is why I communicate the way I do. I understand why, but at the time I was like I want to get it like that person does. Not that I was trying to mimic anybody else or copy, but when you try to be somebody else, you're not being authentic to yourself and you have to be truthful, authentic to your flow. Because that's what's coming through and you have to just trust and know that it's right for you, the person, and that animal. And it's not about giving every answer, because your journey with your horse is your journey. And it's for you to discover, you to experience, but sometimes we all need a little guidance and a little help along the way. And that's what it is. It's not... Telling you what to do. It's not saying you should do this. Not that. It's a bit of guidance. And it's never, ever about making anybody feel small or wrong. Because if somebody's reaching out to an animal communicator, They are doing their best to see what's going on, to hear what's going on, and just to try and get somewhere, but you don't always get all your answers. It doesn't matter whether you have a vet, body worker, communicator, you don't always get all your answers because life can change with the flip of a coin. It's not fortune telling, it's at that present moment, and your mindset has a big influence. So if, and we had a communicator with a horse, it would be. What's going on at that time. And for me, it's never just about the animal and it's not for a lot of communicators but I can only talk about myself. Okay. It may be that the human, the person needs to hear something so that they can move past what's blocking them. So the animal can get to the human and they can hear each other and sometimes it's just to allow the human to let go of something. That's all it is. So it's not my job to question, it's my job to deliver the message as it comes, to be empathetic, to be able to give a hug, which I love doing, because I'm a tactile person. And tears are always a good thing, tears are always a good thing, because it's releasing as I was starting to release things that were trapped in my body when I was talking about Maisie, the story with Maisie. So the memory of Maisie does not make me cry. I don't get upset when I think about her, but the story of some of the things that happened does. And sometimes we can get attached to that, so that's a whole nother podcast I think. We can get attached to a story that's going on. Doesn't mean to say it's not real and we're not seeing it, but it can become bigger than it actually is. And what we do is we invest a lot of energy in that and we add to that pot. But again, that's a whole nother podcast. And if anybody would like more information about that little snippet let me know and I'll do another one of these. Anyway, I hope I'm not boring you. Okay. Yes. We all have the ability to speak to spirit, human, or otherwise. Most though do not allow it due to many different reasons, fear, doubt, beliefs. Systems. Yeah, very true, Martha. Very true. Very wise words. Fear is a big thing, let's go to imagination. I can approach a stranger sometimes easier than somebody I know. Not so much now, and I'm not talking about the communication side, because I will approach anybody. But me as a person... I found it easy to talk to a stranger, so that never ever bothered me, and it doesn't to this day. And sometimes I think, well, what if this is my imagination? But the thing is, you won't know until you pass on the message. And nine out of ten times, it isn't your imagination. And the thing is, Even if it was, what does it matter? Now you're not going to pass on anything that would hurt somebody or be conflicting or not your place to say. So if you as a friend of a friend and you felt you got this nice feeling and you could say, do you know what, I'm sure your horse is here. I just got this feeling and I just got this picture of what they used to do. And you might bring a smile to your friend. Because they're remembering him, and you're remembering them with them, and they might cry. Don't be embarrassed. Just give them a hug. Just give them a hug. Because sometimes that's all they need. Sometimes that's all we need. It's just somebody to remember their loved ones too, and to share in that. Especially if you knew them. But yeah, you won't know it's your imagination until you pass a message on. So I'm talking about a friend for a friend. I'm not talking about what I do. Okay. So this is Taryn. Okay. Taryn again, after the traumatic passing of crystal, my horse, it took a long time to connect to any. Other horse again, and I was going to give up riding altogether. I went to a yard with a friend who was looking for a horse for a daughter, and I was instantly drawn to another horse and the rest is history. Apache and I have been together for two years now. He has been very patient with me learning to love again. He's definitely found me when I least expected it. It definitely feels that. Definitely feels that. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Animals don't want us to not have another. Love is endless. You have got room to love as many people, as many animals as you want to. They don't get hung up on, well, she loved that cat more than me. Cats are a little bit different. They have an opinion. But on a soul level, that's not how it is. Love is love. And somebody else is always waiting for that as well. They, they want to receive that. And often when somebody's lost a pet, lost a horse, they won't be looking because that's not what they're interested in. They just want to get on with their life and, and. And have memories of the, the lived one. And then as Taryn said, an animal will appear or somebody says, can you help me? I've got a rescue. Can you take this cat on? Can you take this dog on? And you'll think, okay, I'll take them on. I'll find them a home and lo and behold. Often the person keeps the animal because they've grown attached to them. Sometimes animals come back to the same people in different form. And they may have a similar trait as your older pet. They may do something and you think, my dog used to do that. Or my cat used to do that. No, it's my imagination. How do you know? It may be that they've come back again to be with you. Or because this happens. The old animal. The old soul has connected to the new animal in your life and presented something that they used to do. So the animal will show you that it's another way of them, letting you know that they are still around either in another form or the connecting with the animals that are there, that does happen too, but it doesn't matter. What matters is if you get that nice warm feeling and a smile and you think of them fondly, that's it. What's more precious than memories? Beautiful. So somebody just said, that was my next question. Do they come back? See, this is how the universe works. Again, I don't know who this is. I've got so many people on here, which is absolutely wonderful. And I have got no names apart from the ones that are showing. So I'm assuming this is coming through my group page which is awesome. That is so cool. I'm going to read that again. So somebody's just bought my next question was, do they come back? And I'd literally just explain that. So yes, they do. They can come back as another dog, another cat or another species. Or through that animal. So it might not be the soul that you remember, but they're making themselves known to you through that animal. So the next time that you think that happens, whether you think it's your imagination or not, acknowledge it. Just take a moment and say, is that you? Whether it is or not, I'm sending you love and thank you for coming to see me and see how that feels because when they know you're paying attention, they will come back more because they get excited. Now, I don't know if somebody's about to ask this question because my guidance is just saying to me, you've got to say this Okay. Somebody might be thinking, well, how can they connect to you? If they've come back as another animal to another family, another person they can, they don't have to be in one place. Hence. That's why I can talk to somebody in New Zealand, Africa, Australia, different time zones. There's no such thing as time. They can have. a new body and be with another family but they don't forget you and they love you just as much okay but they can still communicate with you even though they're living another life. I can't give you a simple example because I haven't got one but trust me they can. So if somebody was about to ask that Yeah okay, so the delay is because I'm reading comments. So we've got another one here. Again I'm going to read it for the benefit of the audio later. I have had three horses, ponies in my life, all came to me. I had a strong bond with my first pony after an awful accident. My second pony came into my life for two years. Blaze is my third pony who I have a strong bond with oh, and you have met and read with me. I really believe my first pony is with Blaise and you have just said the same could happen. I now feel I am not imagining it. I am sure I have my boys together. Hope that makes sense. Yes, it does. And excuse my reading now. Okay, Sam Naylor? Are you asking me to share that story? Okay. It's so bizarre talking to me and not having somebody else talking back to me. It feels bizarre. It's funny how you get used to certain things. Obviously I'm used to doing interviews this way now and not just chatting myself. So it feels a bit different. Okay, any more questions while I'm waiting for Sam. Okay, right so, this is from somebody on Facebook. Oh, it's Tauz, Tauz. Right, I've just seen your name. Hi Ronnie, can I share a story regarding what you are talking about? A while back whilst at the field, my daughter Abby was running around for hours with a lead rope, playing with Bella, a friend's dog, laughing, rolling around. She was having so much fun. Two days later, I bumped into that friend who informed me that Bella had passed away that last Sunday. We were both gobsmacked when we both realised that Bella had come to Abbey to obviously say goodbye. Oh, wow, Taz! That is beautiful. Absolutely. Wow. Wow. You've just reminded me a story of a cat I used to have. A tortoiseshell cat. Wow, tours that's beautiful yes and because you didn't know yeah, that's beautiful. I'll put that back up again in a second for people to read cause that's brilliant. So before I moved down to South of England, I used to live in Lincolnshire and I had this beautiful tortoise tortoiseshell cat, I'm trying to think of his name. Isn't it bizarre? Anyway. He was so lovely and so quiet, but he liked to go off exploring, but he would always be home, he'd come back every day so he wasn't a cat that explored and would go off for days, he would always be there and he loved sitting in front of the fire and the sunshine. So whenever he used to put my washing out in the garden, he would lie and and then he would come up, meow and you had to stroke him, whenever he came up to me, I always stroked him, that was our greeting. And I stroked all my cats, but there was something about about this cat. I cannot remember his name. How bizarre is that? Anyway yeah, he would come up and I would stroke him. Now this particular day I didn't see him the night before and I remember thinking, Felix. Thank you, Felix. Thank you, Felix. He just popped in. I remember thinking, I haven't seen Felix. Maybe he's okay. So I was doing my washing. I put my washing out in the garden. And it was a really sunny day and there was this sunbeam on the ground about a couple of feet from where I was and I looked down and there was Felix. And I goes, Oh, Felix, there you are. Now, normally I would go up and stroke him. I always did this. It was religious. There was something about him. I just went up and stroked him. I had to touch him. Now this day, I carried on put my bushing out and said hi Felix, and I didn't stroke him. Now I didn't think anything about it until I went in the back door. Put my basket down, and I thought I didn't stroke him. So I went back out, and he'd gone, and I thought oh yeah, maybe he's in the house. So I came back in and I was shouting Felix. And I couldn't find him. I thought, Oh, maybe he's just gone off exploring again. Later on in that day, this lady happened to be coming past on a push bike and she says, Oh, do you, do you have a tortoise shell cat? And I said, yes, I do. She said, Oh, I'm, I'm really sorry. I hope I'm wrong, but there's a cat at the side of the road, about half a mile. On the lane, she says it might not be your cat, but I know that I've seen cat simmer in your garden, so I says, well, thank you so much and I got on my bike and I went down this lane and I was like, see the story. This is what I mean about the story, the emotion I can feel like now. And this is years ago, years ago. And, as I got close, I knew it was Felix, but as I got closer, I realized he'd been there for a while, he'd been there, probably overnight, and it was only a few hours ago that I'd seen Felix in my garden, but I didn't stroke him. I knew then that it was his spirit that came back to say bye, because I didn't stroke him, and I stroked him. Every time I saw him, that was our greeting, always, I'll just touch him, even if I was busy, that day, I didn't, that was the first time, I didn't stroke him because he wasn't there, I could not physically have touched him, but he was there visually, and I remember relaying this story to somebody, a few months later, I'd moved down here, So I wasn't in Lancashire and my cat at the time was sat on the bed and as I was saying this story, my cat hissed and sat up and I knew that Felix was under the bed. His energy made himself known because we were talking about him. So this is what I mean. When you think about your animals and you talk about them, They come closer and they love that because they know you haven't forgotten them and they can be in another body, having another life, they could be in spirit, whatever, but they can still hear that call. They can feel that heart vibration from you. And it never goes away. Ever. It never dies. It's always there. Always. Yeah. Lovely. So thank you, Tors. So I'm going to put that up again for anybody that wants to read that. So Tors is saying that Abby was running around playing with a dog in the field and it was a friend's dog laughing, rolling around. She was having so much fun. Two days later, she bumped into a friend who informed her that Benno had passed away that last Sunday. So she came to say goodbye and she probably wanted Tawes to let her mum know. So this is how anybody receives messages. Tawes would pass that message on and say, I saw your dog or we saw her, we saw her. Now, the owner might not be able to take that at that moment if they're really grieving. But at some point it will give them comfort, or they'll ask about it. On rare occasions, maybe somebody doesn't feel that way, or doesn't want to feel that way. For whatever reasons, and we don't judge people. It's up to that individual to accept it, allow it. It's up to them. You can't force somebody to see and feel the way that you do. But hopefully when they're ready, they will get confirmation in their own way. And that applies to humans, animals, okay? There is no difference. Our humans, our family, our friends that are no longer here physically, want us to know that too. And they will make their self known. Very much so. Very much so. But if it's close, then sometimes it's too painful and they don't do anything to upset us or frighten us. I don't want to do that. Okay, so we've been on an hour nearly and I don't want to keep chatting and, and taking up your time for the sake of it. So if anybody has got another question. Okay this is Sam. I think Tom came back, but his socks replaced it. So Sam's my dear friend, Sam Naylor, some of you will know her. And Sam has had lots of animals, yeah, lots of animals. Thomas was a feral cat. Adopted Sam, Sam didn't adopt Thomas he adopted Sam and yeah, it was very feral and Sam started to feed him outside and make sure he was okay cause she's a big softie when it comes to animals. Anyway, eventually he started to come closer and came into the home. And now he's part of their family. He's big part of the family. In fact, he's a hierarchy. But it was really interesting. So I can't remember the whole of this story, but there was a point when I was sat in the kitchen one day and I. I think I said to Sam he's got unfinished business. He was talking about his old owner and something about unfinished business and that's what came from Thomas as I was sat next to him. Now, I don't know how long afterwards this happened, but Sam had to take Thomas to the vets. And it turned out that he'd got a microchip. And the vets said, Oh, he's chipped. And of course, when you've taken on an animal and you've come to love them and they've adopted you as their human, as their person, it's like, well, what if that person wants that animal back? It's a bit, oh my goodness, we thought he was just a feral cat. Anyway. The vet found out who the owner was and said, do you want me to contact them? And obviously Sam said yes. But she was concerned that the owner would want to take the cat back because they've grown to love him as part of the family. And this is maybe not quite right, but it suggested the story. So I do apologize, Sam, if it's not quite right. What happened was they got in touch with the owner who actually contacted Sam, I think. And said I think he was fairly oh he he didn't maybe like the man of the house I can't remember. There was something though. She was more than happy basically for Sam to keep Thomas and said, he's obviously found his home with you and that's fine. You know, I'm glad he's alive and I'm glad he's well. That was the unfinished business. But Sam didn't know that. I didn't know what that was. I just got, the cat said this unfinished business. And he didn't give me the full picture, that's all he said, but circumstances led to Sam going to the vets. him being scanned and finding out that she got previous home. And then that was the unfinished business because although maybe he didn't get on with the family as well as he did with Sam he still wanted them to know that he was okay. Because That lady wondered if he was alive, wondered if he was alive. So, even if an animal might not be your best buddy, deep down they will want you to know that they're okay. If they go missing or if they've found another home, they wouldn't want you to suffer and think that, where is that animal, are they trapped, are they lost, they wouldn't want that, so, if they're able to. They will want the other person to know I'm safe. I'm found, but I'm here now, or I'm safe. Can you come and get me? It's up to them, but they would want the other person to know. And this is why when an animal comes back in another life, another form, they will still want their old family to know that they're okay. And they love them just as much. There isn't a case of, I love you more. There is enough love. I can promise you, but us humans like to think I love them so much. What if they love somebody else? They love you too, just as much. I promise you. They love you just as much, just as much. Martha is saying anything for my pets. Okay. Martha, give me a name of a pet. Can't guarantee, but just give me one of your pets and I'll see what comes through. Oh, I'm just being prompted to share one more story too. Okay. Roxy. Okay. I'm going to do that in a second, Martha, but I just don't want to forget this. So just bear with me and then I think we're going to call it, call it a night because I'm getting a bit hoarse excuse the pun. Right. So on a horse visit, on an animal visit. Okay sometimes people will get me out. When it's coming to end of time for their, their lovely horse, their animal. Okay. And sometimes they just want confirmation that they're doing the right thing. Or they want to know what the horse thinks, what the animal thinks. And I can honestly say, hand on heart, all animals would like to go if they have a choice with dignity. There is no right or wrong answer because it might have external circumstances that you have to say goodbye to an animal and they never say, please don't do that to me. Sometimes they have a, a strong desire to live because they've got things to do and they're not past it despite what others might think, and it might be that they have another role not the role that the person thinks they should have or have had. But again, it is individual to that animal and that person. There is no same story, same scenario. That's what I'm trying to say. So they choose if they can to go with dignity. So there is no right or wrong, or when is the best time. No, when it's coming up to it, and sometimes there might be something that comes along and says, Well I can give this animal more time all you have to do is ask the animal in your heart. Are you ready? And it's not easy, I know, but just ask, Are you ready? And feel what comes. But again, there's no right or wrong answer. But we do. often have to take that final responsibility and say, okay, today's the day. And it isn't easy. It isn't easy, but they almost go, okay, and you can breathe because you know, so yes, it isn't easy, but it's something sometimes we have to do. And they have never, ever, ever come back to me and say, well, I wasn't ready to go because they know that that person did their very best at that moment in time and that's all you can do. And that's all they ask for. And even animals that may have. More to show if that person is not able for whatever reason, financially, physically, emotionally able to offer that, and they know they can't physically do that, but they don't want to send the horse off somewhere else and goodness knows where it will end up. They want to do the best thing that they think is possible. They understand that. I've been to see a horse I wasn't sure why I was there because everything the horse was giving me, I was giving to the owner and I was thinking, I'm not understanding where this is going. And then the horse almost said, but it doesn't matter what she chooses. And I understood in those few words what the horse meant because the horse knew that the person could not physically look after them in the way that they wanted to. With the vet bills and everything else. They couldn't do that. They couldn't do that. And they'd already come to that decision and a vet would never put a healthy animal down. So I'm not talking about. that scenario. Usually the vets have already said what they can do and what the alternatives are and we can preserve life but it's not always possible either on the animal's point of view or the human's point of view. But I have never had an animal Come back and say they made the wrong choice because they know on a level that that soul has done their very, very best. So do not have any guilt. Do not have regrets. I know you will. Don't hold on to them. Let them go. Let that emotion come through you. Let that grief come through you. And when you think of them and smile and have tears, know that you're connected to them. No, they're with you. Sorry, that came through and they wanted me to share this with you. Right, okay. Martha, Roxy. Is that your cat? The reason I'm saying that is because I've got a cat and I've got a dog and they're sat. But they're not sat close together okay, so somebody's cat's here too. Okay so you'll have to tell me if I'm on the right track because I've got a cat and I've got a dog. Okay. Cause the dog and they're not sat together and it might not be that they were there at the same time because the dog is saying, looking at the cat as if to say the cat had the upper hand at times. The cat had the upper hand. Now, let's see what Roxy has to say. So the dog I'm seeing is presenting me with a paw and looking at the paw, the left paw, so just lifting the paw up, okay and a colour. It's a two tone color. I could be on the wrong track, but it doesn't matter. So this is what I'm saying about, you could be right, you could be wrong, but you don't know until you get feedback. Okay. Because quite often you get more than one animal coming through. So Martha, the dog I'm getting, showing me the left paw sat. Two tone, thank you. So I'm going to put that up so people can see. So you've seen this in real time. This is how it works. I get a picture, a visual and I have to say it. And you have to be not afraid to be wrong, okay? You have not got to worry that, oh, it might be wrong, because what will people think, but you have to say it until you get feedback. You don't know. Okay, so, yes, two tone. Roxy, sorry, I'm just, I'm just listening. I will say, cause I'm second thinking what's coming through. Sometimes an animal will come through feeling masculine, horses especially. They can appear masculine, but they might be a mare, they might have a masculine personality and they can feel masculine, but it could be a male and vice versa. So as I'm communicating, I have to be clear. But what I'm getting, because I'm getting a bit confused because I'm getting two, I'm getting female, male, now it might be the cat and the dog. So I'm just going back to Roxy. So Martha, does this make sense rather than trying to describe the animal? What's coming through with Roxy is sometimes I would want to be braver than I was, but you helped. I want to say she, but again, I'm not a hundred percent on this. Okay. So is Roxy a female? It's, it's Roxy female. I'll carry on with what's coming through. Sometimes I would want to feel braver than I actually was. So they give me a bit of their personality. Yeah, she was a she. Thank you. Thank you. Okay. So again, people, you've seen this in real time, this is how it works. But when you've got somebody face to face, it's a little bit quicker. Okay obviously I'm waiting for the messages to come through. Right, okay. So, she feels... That at times she wished she stepped forward and stuck up for herself a bit more. But she's saying you helped her, you helped her. There's a tenderness with this because she felt timid because she's saying, I tried to be brave. I wanted to be braver than I was. So what's happening is the animal has given me part of their personality so that Martha can recognize this as her dog. And the paw that she showed me was the two toned paw. Okay, so Martha's saying yes, that's her personality. So for the benefit of the audio, because I hope this is going to make sense Martha has asked me to connect to her dog Roxy. I didn't know what sex it was because I'd got a cat there too. But she felt feminine and Martha has acknowledged that the dog is indeed she. And she also showed me her paw, two toned, and Martha has confirmed that the dog is two toned on that poor and that is to a little bit timid. Thanks, Martha. You're doing well here. Bless you. Love you lots. Thank you. Yeah. So Martha's just confirming that the cat is male and the dog is female. So I've got two animals here. Actually, the cat's just sitting back. Ah, thank you. Okay. So the cat came through because the dog was timid when the dog was in dog form. Not like that now, obviously, but. When she was a dog, she was timid and the cat saying, I'll bring the dog forward. Sometimes other animals will speak on behalf of another animal. And you're thinking really, but yeah, sometimes that happens. Don't ask me why. Maybe they're too busy being another animal, but that's what happens. Yeah let me just see if she wants to say anything before we go because I'm definitely getting tired now. So what she's saying Martha is she's definitely not the same anymore because what happens is she showed me is this demeanor was soft and a little hesitant and then all of a sudden her energy has grown and she's beautiful and sometimes she's around your other animals. Because of her experience of being a dog with you, she can help the other animals. She gives them a bit of strength that she now has in soul form. This may be going way over for some people or maybe not. Who knows? So she wants you to know that she's still around but she's not the same. Her energy has grown and she's more confident in her energy and she helps you with your other animals which is lovely. Right guys, I think it's time. I am dying for a cup of tea. I hope you've enjoyed this little interaction. It feels funny not chatting to somebody and just having me. It feels like I'm talking to somebody and there's nobody in the room, but obviously there is because they're all talking to me this way. If you have any questions, I'm not talking personal, but general questions. If you've got a personal question and get in touch with me through email, but if you've got a general question then just send me a message. I am happy to give up my time I always pass on messages. I do this because that is what I promised, this is part of my work and I do it. And I love to hear back from people when it's helped them for whatever reason it's this lovely, it's nice, it's like getting a hug back cause again I don't know until I get feedback. I don't need to know the details. I, I don't need to know anything. All I need to know that is the message has landed and been received because I am a communicator. In more ways than one and I'm a channel for messages to come through And to get to where they need to go to and that's part of my work. Thank you so so much for joining me today and I hope I made sense and I hope that It's brought a smile and a glow and a bit of confidence to anybody that thinks I did feel my dog. I did feel my cat or their horses and your horses and animals that you have now don't feel left out because you still love another one. They know that you're not comparing them. So just be happy when you feel them and acknowledge it, acknowledge it to yourself. Even if you think it's imagination, I hear that, I feel that, I see that. Imagination or not, thank you. Because the more you do that, you're saying to yourself, okay, I'm ready to receive. And I promise you, you'll get signs, you'll get messages, you'll get a hug inside your heart, from the inside out. And if you want one of me, there you go. Free hugs all around. So take care, thanks Jane. Another amazing lady, Jane. Animal healer, human healer, because it's all the same, it's not one or the other, it's the same. We're all made of the same molecules, energy. On that note, love you lots. Thank you so much for being a part of this. And I'm here if anybody needs me, if I can answer, I will do. If it's a one to one, then do it personally please. But general questions if I can answer you, I will will do. Right, I'm off for a cup of tea. Take care and bye for now.