Equine Voices Podcast
Equine Voices Podcast
Receiving with Gratitude
Receiving with Gratitude .
Sometimes we forget, how often beautiful gifts of kindness are bestowed upon on us in our journey of life.
Not all are from friends or family, they may be from a stranger or a universal intervention that helped you on your way.
No matter how small (or big) the kindness we are offered, it should be received and accepted with the intention it was given, from a place of love.
There are many times I have been "looked after" on my journey while driving my car and in many other ways too, with thoughts of "Goodness . . . I was very lucky"
It's easy to forget those moments when you feel you may be going through a sticky rough part of your life but I'm sure, if you sat and wrote down all the wonderful gifts, from all walks of live you have received over the last few years, you would realise how lucky you are indeed.
I am so appreciative of ALL the acts of kindness (seen and unseen) I have received over the years and I wish to thank all those who have helped and supported me, without asking for anything in return (you know who you are) and shown me that it is ok to ask for help and accept it with a smile, not a heavy heart.
From my heart to yours . . .
Thank you xx
Video version (alongside applicable podcasts) can be viewed on facebook and YouTube.
Contact Ronnie.
Saturday evening, sat under the sky, looking at the clouds. It's been a glorious day, absolutely beautiful day, and then we had a downpour literally five minutes, certainly cooled the temperatures down, but it was nice and refreshing, and I'd left my car windows open, so I went outside and decided to just clean my car at the same time. As you do. I'd actually cleaned it a few days before but I thought, oh I'll just give it a bit of a dusting. I can remember years and years ago, it must have been summer and it absolutely poured it down and for some reason I decided to go outside and wash my hair. I think I'd seen an advert and I thought I'm going to try that and I went outside I got my shampoo and washed my hair. For no particular reason. And I remember thinking rainwater can be soft when you wash your hair. Your hair afterwards can be really soft. Anyway, I did that. I can't remember what else I did, but I remember doing that. One of those mad things that you do. But I remember it, and it was many, many moons ago. I'm sat here thinking, I am so blessed in so many ways. So blessed. Even when I've struggled and things haven't always gone in the direction I'd hoped, but sometimes that leads you somewhere else or gives you time to do what you need to do. And sometimes that's not do anything really. It's just be where you are, be with those emotions, be with those feelings, and allow them to be felt and acknowledged. So I didn't know why I was going to start recording, but as you know by now, those that know my podcast, I start talking sometimes and what's meant to flow flows. I camped out with the girls last night, a friend, Jane went off in a camper van. And I'd thought about camping the day before. But I didn't do it, so I thought, I'm going to do it tonight. And I've slept in my car before and you sleep, but not like you would normally. But it was so funny, because I didn't cordon the car off, so the girls could get to the car on Toots just ignored it, as she does. But Frances, oh no, she used it as a scratcher. I woke the car rocking and not for the normal reasons. It was her scratching her butt again. So I just had to sort of separate them for a little while until morning. It was funny. And I felt drunk so I was so tired walking across the field thinking, what am I doing? But it was still fun. I do love waking up with them. I used to do that quite often when I was in Hertfordshire. I used to have my breakfast, take a little picnic, in the morning I could have a cup of tea. Oh, I love that. There's something about eating outside and you can hear them, you can hear them munching away in the night and other animals that, around, but you're in that half awake, half asleep mode. So you don't actually get out to see what it is, but you know, there's something out there. Yeah, getting back to feeling very, very grateful, very thankful, of, My life and the people around me. Now if I wrote down circumstances at this present moment, you'd maybe be thinking, really? Okay, but our choices are our choices, whatever we do in life. There always are choices, nobody else's, are choices, and every choice has consequences. It's taken me six months to settle where I am. And I know this is not a permanent home, but I'm very appreciative for where I am at this present time. And I have lots of good people around me I have the people that I'm staying with. Very, very kind. very accommodating. I have other friends that helped me, times of need, and friends that I've not actually met face to face. At one time, I wouldn't ask for help. I would. dread asking for help but I've learned over the last months, actually, that it's okay to ask for help and not to feel guilty when it's offered. Because if you are offered something out of kindness and you feel that low energy with that, because you don't really want to be in that position. You're accepting it with that frequency, with that energy. But if you can appreciate that you've opened up, you've asked for help, and people have gladly obliged, then that's something to be very grateful for. Very grateful. And when I look back, I think, goodness, I've been so So much help that you forget when you are looking at the other side. I'm not gonna say the word, the N word, but you forget actually there's more of the help, the offer, the kindness than that, that you are thinking of or maybe focusing on at that time. But sometimes when you're in that moment, that's what you see, that's what you feel. Now, it doesn't mean to say it's not happening, it's not there, but I do know, hand on heart, that if you give it so much attention, that's exactly what you get back, magnified, more of what you do not wish in your life. So the old saying. Appreciate what you have, even if it's small. It really does make a difference, really, because it's like each step. If you think of it as the whole big thing, it's quite mind blowing. But if you take it one step at a time and deal with what is happening on that day, or at that moment Just that moment, and then try and take your mind off it, do something else. Because your mind's very clever at keeping you in that place. Distract it, whatever it is. The more you do of that, the more you'll notice how quickly things change. Now, sometimes they might not change as quick as you'd like, because maybe that's the way it's meant to be. It's meant to be running that course. You're meant to feel that depth. You're meant to experience that, and you're meant to allow it to flow through your body, so that it can be changed. It can be let go of. It can be transmuted into a different kind of energy. Because energy never goes, it's always there, but it does change. So I'm sat in a chair, watching the girls. As the sun It's not going down quite yet, but there's clouds. And even the dark clouds are very beautiful because they give contrast to the trees and the land. So just be appreciative of what you have. Be thankful, be grateful. And my wish one day is that I will be in a position, no, I shall be in a position, Change the word to return the favor many times over when called upon. Sometimes it's an exchange of energy. So years ago when I did my Reiki, I did my first degree, second degree, and my master's. I never say I'm a master Reiki because I don't practice it in the way that it was intended. And I didn't actually do it for that reason. www. mooji. org I did my first degree and second degree for me, to open me up more. And, maybe it was the intention and thought of that that actually did that, rather than the actual Reiki. Who knows? But it doesn't really matter. It's the fact that that's what happened. And then I did my masters. I don't know why I did that, but I did. But I knew I wasn't going to use it to practice. For me personally, that's not the reason I did those modules. I did actually start, I think, to do it with people. I thought, well, I've spent all this money. You know, maybe I should do that. And it was the maybe word. But I knew it wasn't in my heart to do it. And I got some leaflets and I took them around and I have done people and I do do people. But it's friends and family. When I used to fly, I, um, sometimes used to work with passengers. If he was nervous, I always asked permission. I used to say, would you mind if I just put my hands on your shoulders? And that was lovely to see the response. That was really nice. The intention of helping somebody, to feel a bit more at ease was lovely. But it didn't go anywhere. And that's because my heart wasn't in it. It wasn't really what I wanted to do. So even if you do things that you think, oh, this is spiritual, you know, this is what I should be doing. If your heart's not in it, you'll only get the percentage that you put in. So if you only give 50%, that's what you'll get back. But if you are passionate about it, and you really want to do this, you will get that back. So remember that. It's that passion for whatever it is you choose to do that brings that same force back to you. But I digress then, I was trying to explain. So, an exchange of energy. So Reiki, think it's in one of the books it's not about going out and curing people because that's not what you do anyway. Nobody cures anybody. You just facilitate and allow them to see their own potential and their own healing process. Anything you do, it's the individual that are working on themselves, whether they realize that or not. But it was an exchange of energy. So if I went to give some Reiki or anything to a person, they don't have to give me that back, that same amount of energy, but to pass it on. And that was the the understanding, I think, if I remember rightly, of Reiki, as long as that energy is passed on to somebody else in whatever form. It's an exchange. So don't do something to expect it back to you, to boomerang back to you. It will, but not necessarily from the same person. Whatever you give out comes back, but not always from the same source, same person, same avenue. If that makes sense. We all have our own divine healing ability. All of us. But if you're not aware or you don't believe that you can change or help yourself and you go to somebody and they make you feel better, then that's lovely, that's lovely. But remember, you are the one, your soul, your energy, your life force knows what you need. And I think when you open up to somebody helping you, you're saying, I'm allowing, but what you're doing really is you're allowing yourself. To help you, even if it comes from or through another person, another way. I don't know why I'm talking about this. I had no idea what I was going to be talking about. So once again, for anybody that works with Reiki, that's not, To belittle, that's not the intention, But for me, it was always about me, connecting to me, giving myself permission. to heal. This is many years ago now, and I remember doing my first degree and second degree, I went to practice on friends that was fun. That was fun yeah that's a whole nother podcast. Yeah, that was fun, the reaction. Hmm. Yeah, that's definitely another podcast. So I started off by saying that even when things don't appear to be where you want to be or where your life is heading, try and take whatever you can, remember all the positive, nice comments, Smiles you get from a stranger, from friends, or a hug, or a cup of coffee, or a conversation. Remember those, and write a list, which is what I heard, actually, on a podcast. I thought, yeah, because you get so programmed into looking at the other side. When you start to write things down, you think actually, I've had so much help, even from the unseen. Like driving my car something's happened. I've been in a perfect location to be safe and not just on one occasion even at the time it's like holy SHIT and Sometimes I've had head in hand sobbing thinking I can't take any more But at the same time, I know I was so lucky So lucky. Yeah So, I hope this resonates with somebody and if it doesn't, it doesn't matter. We all have our journeys, we all have Our moments and sometimes it can feel like nobody understands where you are but then why would they and why should they? Because they're on their journey. It might seem that they have everything but sometimes you realize actually they don't. They might have lots of things, but maybe they haven't got things that you've got. Maybe they're afraid. Maybe they have worries that you have no idea about. But then why should you? Sometimes I think, because I'm on my own, it's just me, my choices. And whatever happens, it affects me. But actually it doesn't, because there's always people around you. Trying to help you, trying to guide you. With the best intentions. But your true guidance is always yours. And when you know and feel that, and know which is your true guidance, even when your head is saying, you don't want to be doing that. Let's stay here, it's safe. You know that that's the time to really listen. Because your guidance always makes sure you are safe. And you're doing what you need to do to move forward. So on that note, I do hope you have a lovely, lovely day, evening, wherever you are in the world. And know that you are never alone. Even if you feel that you are. And I don't, by the way I love my own company. I love being with people. I am sociable, but I love to withdraw. I love that. But then through that I have grown and I can listen to myself. And the only person I argue with is myself. So on that note, I'm definitely going to go. Have a lovely weekend. Be kind to yourself. Allow yourself to feel what you need to feel, but don't linger in that place. Just allow it to pass through. That's all it's doing, passing through. It's like electricity. It's a charge. It comes up and it has to go. Otherwise, it stores in your system. Ready for the next trigger, next emotional outburst. And then that's what happens. It comes out with everything else. The lid is off the can. So just be kind, be gentle, be patient, and know that you are so special. And you are perfect as you are, absolutely perfect. From my heart to yours, bye for now.