Equine Voices Podcast
Hello and welcome to Equine Voices podcast. My name is Ronnie and I’m an intuitive equine communicator. I’ll be Sharing stories and personal thoughts (from my own perspective) on how my life changed for the better, by changing my limited believes one step at a time. This has impacted not only on my personal life but also in my work with horses. I'll be sharing this space with like minded people, who have very kindly agreed to join me in an interview . . . (well it's more of a chat really) This is a great way to share their interests, skills and life experiences which may give guidance (or a lightbulb moment!) to someone on their journey, into discovering how they wish to proceed or find another way in this world we call life. With the help of good friends, self help and lots of soul searching, I feel I'm now in a much better place. However, I've still a long way to go but then isn't that what life is all about, the journey, not necessarily the destination. I hope you enjoy the podcasts. I’m excited to share some of my stories and hopefully, hearing about some of your experiences too.
Podcasting since 2020 • 89 episodes
Equine Voices Podcast
Latest Episodes
A Few Moments and Seasonal Thoughts
A Few Moments and Seasonal Thoughts. Taking advantage of a few quiet moment, as the day gently fades into night. Sharing a few thoughts before I head inside for a lovely cup of tea, which is always welcome. ...
September 07, 2024
Receiving with Gratitude
Receiving with Gratitude .Sometimes we forget, how often beautiful gifts of kindness are bestowed upon on us in our journey of life.Not all are from friends or family, they may be from a stranger or a universal intervention t...
July 21, 2024
Episode 86
Podcast Interview with Kerri Lake - www.generateharmony.com
Interview with Kerri Lake.I'm so excited to announce an interview with Kerri Lake.It's been a while since I did a live interview and I've really missed chatting with my lovely guests (I have a backlog to catch up with) so I wa...
July 21, 2024
Episode 85
Solar Flares (aurora borealis)
Solar Flares - Aurora BorealisWhat a magical evening of light and colour that could be seen in many areas of the globe.I'd gone to bed but as I looked out of my window I could see subtle changes in the sky and remembered abou...
May 11, 2024
Episode 84
Interview with Tom Mayes - Integrated Equine Therapies (Part 2)
Interview with Tom Mayes - Integrated Equine Therapies (Part 2)I'm so delighted to have another chance to have an in depth conversation with Tom and after our last session, it was obvious from some of the comments, that the lis...
March 07, 2024
Episode 83